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      Hugnot reacted to marc357's post in the thread 300 Win Mag reloading question with Like Like.
      Do you think I can't measure? I've been loading. 300WM for 25 years now, and produced ammo that shoots better than many people believe...
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      Hugnot reacted to Muddyboots's post in the thread Trump fixes global warming with Like Like.
      If you want to read something interesting, read about the earths tilt cycle to climate that has been accepted for years but now it is...
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      Hugnot replied to the thread 300 Win Mag reloading question.
      The .300WM is one of my favorite cartridges. I have the same rifle for over 50 years and put 50-100 rounds thru it per year so I will...
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      Hugnot replied to the thread 20 caliber build..
      I like my .20P & .204R with 11 twist &40 grain bullets. My opinion is that 55 grain .204 bullets, (like faddy) don't provide a good...
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      Hugnot replied to the thread Trump fixes global warming.
      The, bottom of the ice pack is too olde for humans I got to research what rock formations are under all that thick hard solid ice...
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      Hugnot replied to the thread Trump fixes global warming.
      Read about the real olde Viking settlements in Greenland. The Vikings were able to survive, feed themselves - grow crops, raise live...
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      Hugnot replied to the thread Top Secret security clearance.
      I am real olde & had a TS way back then for stuff they had me do in Viet Nam. After they told me I was being considered for a TS, I...
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      More info: The 62 ELDVT groups well in a 7.7 twist .22-.250 but nogo in a 9 twist .223. Lotza empty space(void) in the 62 ELDVT. A...
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      The .224 62 grain H VLD VT bullet provides extreme satisfaction in the tiny .223R and better than that in bigger ..224's like the...
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      Hugnot replied to the thread Favorite holiday traditions.
      Usually the nice Thanksgiving meal turned into a verbal political brawl & I loved it! My immigrant French relatives would have made DJT...
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