I sure hope this is a joke

Worked for a company that was one of the first to embrace 'just-in-time' parts philosophy. I also follow that philosophy relative to powder and primers. I only have enough of each to load the projectiles I have on hand.
The number of projectiles I have is not the theme of this thread. LOL
im not sorry and i won't/dont feel guilty.
ill continue to buy as much as i can when i can find it
You absolutely shouldn't feel guilty. Some people hate on people that were smart enough to prepare in good times so you don't have to participate in the absurdity of the bad times.

Good for you and I ain't mad at ya. ;)
I sent an email to a contact asking the question. I was just told that it is true. All primer production will be used for finished product meaning ammunition.
A guy in Los Angeles had a huge stockpile of ammo in his garage, his house caught fire and after the first explosion the fire department retreated and refused to fight the fire. The house went down, 3 neighbors sued him and won, his insurance company refused to pay the loss and when I moved away he was in a civil action for having so much explosives in a residence. He lost everything. Oh yeah, I forgot, he was also found guilty of felony charges and now can't own a gun, etc. Just sayin'
It comes in lumps! Mexico North it's seem to me you are only allowed 20lbs of powder max and has to be store in a fire prof container. It doesn't take much to exceed that amount if you are reloading and several different type of firearms.
The push here is having enough power to load without changing and have to test another lot.
Guess this news will get out/around and the frenzy to buy up everything in sight will start again. I have some components but not so much I have to pass it down to my grandkids. I don't hate on people who stockpile components, to each his own.
True story:
"He spoke a parable to them, saying, "The ground of a certain rich man brought forth abundantly. He reasoned within himself, saying, 'What will I do, because I don't have room to store my crops?' He said, 'This is what I will do. I will pull down my barns, and build bigger ones, and there I will store all my grain and my goods. I will tell my soul, "Soul, you have many goods laid up for many years. Take your ease, eat, drink, be merry."' "But God said to him, 'You foolish one, tonight your soul is required of you. The things which you have prepared—whose will they be?' So is he who lays up treasure for himself, and is not rich toward God."
— Luke 12:16–21,"
"Just sayin'"
As far as I can see there will be no new primers orders until notified due to high demand. So existing orders will be filled with a price increase on orders after April 01, 2022. One can only hope it's an April Fools joke lol. If not I'll just go fishing.

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All I know is that I've seen more reloading components, of all types for sale this year than I have in a long time. Perhaps companies are not exporting in order to meet the domestic demand.
Please let me know where you are seeing this abundance. Not being sarcastic... I really would like to know. Need a few things.
Half not joking I know a guy who is putting thoughts into such a thing.
Half not joking ever since I posted this my brain has been chewing on the details of what it would take haha. But I sure wouldn't want to be behind the trigger during R and D.

Remington actually experimented with electronic ignition back in the day, here's an article from 2004 in Popular Mechanics…

The idea then was to significantly reduce "lock time" for precision target shooting. It turned out to not be nearly as reliable as primers but I'm seriously thinking it's worth revisiting given the situation.

On the other hand I can just see myself waist deep in snow during hunting season frantically cleaning my rifles "spark plugs" as the buck of a lifetime nonchalantly trots by.

I wonder if they've made a BBQ lighter that can withstand 65kpsi?🤣🥴
Didn't I just read on this site somewhere about a new primer company opening in the US?

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