

Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 2015
Have you guys heard the rumor that Youtube is starting to harass and terminate firearm related channels lately? The military arms channel has already been given multiple strikes and most of his content is not available save one video of him explaining his current situation. Have any of you on this forum that post firearm related content on Youtube been harassed by their administrators?
Yep, it's true... It's happening to MAC, so he's temporarily disabled his YT account to avoid them completely deleting his account. Also happened to James Yeager several times.

Oh boy, not good. If you think about it for the past decade or so Youtube has played a significant part (probably not by design) to popularize gun ownership, especially to the younger generation. So many people look at some of the gun channels and think "wow I want one of those" and get into shooting.

What would be awesome is if we gun owners could get a similar platform as youtube with the same interoperability with mobile devices and other social media platforms so that we could continue to exchange knowledge and make entertaining firearm related videos. If I had the funds and the Tech know how that is what I would do.
They are not allowing gun channels to receive commercial endorsements or monetization.

YouTube itself is not taking down channels. But if s public advocacy group starts targeting you and dislike and report your channel enough. YouTube's response is to have that video age appropriate. You do have option to repeal arguments. If material received enough complaints they will take it off air. But the user has a repeal option.

Best solution I've found is to not have people like or dislike video or allow comments to a video. Which doesn't allow community build up. People can still report but my experience has been they will only age restrict the video and not remove it.

I'm no fan of the new CEO and her hippy liberal agenda. But this is where we are as Americans in 2018.
Yeah, her name is Susan Wojcicki... She's anti-gun, and an SJW. YouTube needs to fire that bitch...She's useless, and is absolutely destroying YT.
Out of chaos comes opportunity. People who are in a strong position one day, aren't the next. YouTube censors their content and privately owned so it's theirs to do what they will with it. They've basically given the middle finger to firearms channels and their viewers. Eventually even the thickest person will turn their back on somebody who disdains them.

You watch... before long, people will start talking to each other again instead of parking themselves in front of their computer. There's still hope for the local pub.
They are going as far as Removing Air gun channels! Air guns- the only thing the British can still have is too dangerous for youtube. I can't go back to watching propaganda central on fake news TV after Hickock 45..
You realize that hypocritical Dickock45 (who has had suppressors, bump stocks, and real full-autos on his channel) is in support of the NRA bump stock ban after Vegas, right? I unsubbed from him as soon as I heard about it, and haven't watched one of his videos since.
I wonder if individuals with financial and technical means have been keeping an eye on youtube. They are censoring much more than just firearms related content. If they could create a site with the functionality and interoperability that youtube has and not censure for political/trivial reasons I bet they could pull at least half of youtube's clientele.

I wish there was a site, similar to this one where Len keeps the discourse civil (unlike youtube's commentary section) where firearms videos could be posted and enjoyed. If one set up such a site they would make a killing in ad revenue once the inevitable exodus from youtube begins.
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