Us 896?


Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2008
What is this and where do I find it? I am building a 338 Lapua ackley and see some threads about using it. Have ben loading for years and never seen it I don't think. I guess I mean US 869.
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If you are building a 338Lapua AI the 2 best powders we have found are RL25 and H1000 if you are using 300gr SMK's.
I am shocked you are asking this question, I thought you and your friend had the magic combination for any distance and game with a much smaller caliber ??? I stand corrected.
I was able to achieve best accuracy/velocity and Extreme Spread (less than 5) with US 869 and 300gr SMK in a 338 RUM. (velocity @ 60*F is 3725 MV)
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