Tonight is the night!!


Well-Known Member
Oct 9, 2012
Central Pa
Well midnight cant come soon enough.. Its the first night of Fox and Coon season here in Pa. The calls ready, lights are charged and the guns are ready.. My wife and I will be spending most of the night hunting fox. Then tomorrow night will be spent behind our Blue Tick pup chasing coon... Wll post some pics if we have any luck


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Well havn't had much luck. Fox numbers seem to be down in my "GOOD SPOTS". Six sets Friday night. Not even a set of eyes. Did hear shotgun fire about half a mile away from where we were about 12;15 am sat morning. Two trees sat night with the hound. Both in Hemlock trees....The only two Hemlock trees within 20 miles! Gonna keep after it tho.
Good luck to you and the wife Boyd !

I love predator calling -any kind of calling for that matter.

I bet you are a trapper too ?
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