So proud of my kids


Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2021
This only recently resolved itself. My 11 year old granddaughter is about to finish 6th grade, and next year will be going to the junior high school which is now part of the regular high school. So I've been a bit nervous. Her best friend in the world recently decided she's trans......she is also 11...let that sink in. Extremely liberal parents.

So I've been hearing about this for almost 3 months, and her parents regularly get updated on their daughters perspectives, but wanting her to make her own decision. I saw her Dad last weekend and always ask how that's going. He chuckled and said it's been resolved. My granddaughter severed the friendship, but also told her former best friend that she is a girl, and no amount of wishing would ever change that. And she said it loudly in front of God and everyone.

I asked how she was doing and was told she's already made 3 new like minded friends.
This only recently resolved itself. My 11 year old granddaughter is about to finish 6th grade, and next year will be going to the junior high school which is now part of the regular high school. So I've been a bit nervous. Her best friend in the world recently decided she's trans......she is also 11...let that sink in. Extremely liberal parents.

So I've been hearing about this for almost 3 months, and her parents regularly get updated on their daughters perspectives, but wanting her to make her own decision. I saw her Dad last weekend and always ask how that's going. He chuckled and said it's been resolved. My granddaughter severed the friendship, but also told her former best friend that she is a girl, and no amount of wishing would ever change that. And she said it loudly in front of God and everyone.

I asked how she was doing and was told she's already made 3 new like minded friends.
Make that 100,000 new friends.

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