Sleeping bag liners

What's the best one?

I don't know about the "best" but I have some fleece type (can't remember the brand) that works real well. But I have used this >>> Cocoon Merino Wool Mummy Liner - with my -20F sleeping bag.

Honestly, I cannot tell the difference as far as the additional warmth difference, I'm probably the wrong person to ask as I don't get cold easily. :D Cost wise, the fleece was $15 IIRC and it feels more comfortable but that's JMHHO.

Good luck!
I use a sea to summit. I think it is polypropylene. They claim it increases the temp range by 14 degrees. I don't know if it is that good, but it does take up the excess volume in the bag. This one packs up smaller than my fleece one. If truck hunting, fleece is good, but if pack space it limited I go with the smaller one.

Do you sleep with your puffy jacket in the bag?

I am trying to re-learn the way I carry gear. In the military you carry what is on the gear list. I carry so much excess and it never even comes out of my pack.
I'm not entirely sure if you're asking about a simple sleeping bag liner or a Vapor Barrier Liner (VBL) for sleeping bags.... they're quite different.

If it's not cold, just about any sleeping bag liner would work. I have a fleece one from Wally-Land and it's pretty decent for what it is.

I use a VBL when I'm camping and it's cold outside (from ~+25F and colder). They protect my sleeping bag from the condensation and skin oils, etc., that come off my body while I sleep. The VBL prevents that condensation from freezing within the down insulation which helps maintain performance.

I've had several VBL's over the years and currently have 2 - one is a Western Mountaineering and the other is a CampMor brand. Both are great, but the CampMor is a good bit heavier as it is made from a heavier-duty fabric.
I don't use one. I carry a pair of merino bottoms and thin top long sleeve merino and a pair of merino socks just for sleeping in. I almost never wear besides sleeping unless it gets super cold or its the last day and then I'll wear the socks.
What's the best bag liner? NONE

Sleeping bag liners are virtually useless for several reasons.

1. They give almost no added warmth unless they are bulky fleece liners.
2. They twist up around your body when you toss and turn in your sleep.
3. They are not a dual use item like long johns (Multiple Use is the key for keeping your pack weight lighter.

If you want to protect your sleeping bag from your sweat wear light, medium or heavy long johns, depending on the temperature. Then you have something you can also wear during the day if necessary. (But try to keep sleeping clothes for sleeping to keep them from getting stinky.)

BTW, NEVER use cotton liners or any cotton clothing in winter or rainy, cold weather. "COTTON KILLS" is the backpacker's byword. Use cotton only in desert conditions.

Experienced backpackers (those doing multi-week and multi-month trips) don't use liners because the weight-to-benefit ratio is poor.

EXCEPTION: Vapor Barrier Liners (VBLs) are the one exception B/C they keep your sweat from accumulating in your bag over several nights. This accumulated body moisture decreases your bag's insulation drastically. It is the reason the first British South Pole expedition members froze to death before making it back to their base. Their bags became blocks of frozen down.

VBLs work best in sub zero weather or at least temps in the single digits.
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