September's Sabbatical


Mar 6, 2008
'Lopes, speed goats, bears, buffalo, deer and prairie dogs, Wyoming's got them all. Ron Skinner, his grandson, Terrel (my son) and I went on a budget antelope hunt in Wyoming this September. There was some adventure, a little work, the hunters bled, and meat was collected. Read More...
This is a thread for discussion of the article, September's Sabbatical, By Les Voth. Here you can ask questions or make comments about the article.
Much has happened since this trip.

My friends that I shared this trip with are gone now. From where we all lived near each other in North Dakota, Skinner and his grandson Seth moved away to North Carolina. We still talk on the phone but it isn't nearly the same as being able to drink his coffee, shoot on his range, shoo his dogs out from underfoot, ride in his pickup scouting for coyotes, eat dove poppers offa his barbecue, sit leaning on the same corner fence post in a howling wind at 25 below zero waiting for coyotes, too proud to be the first guy to stagger back to the pickup cuz yer froze half to death.

Dang I miss him . . .
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