Seb's 1st time shooting specialty handguns and pd's @ LR


Jun 18, 2007
NE Wyoming
Seb and Lily (They live in Indonesia) spent several days with us after the 2008 SuperShoot. They flew into Gillette Sunday afternoon, and after unloading some things at our house, I took Seb & Lily out to a ranch about 45 minutes from the house.
This was Seb's first time in Wyoming and it was Lily's first time in the US, so there were many new things for them to experience.
As you can guess many pictures were taken that afternoon, and Seb was able to take several pd's just under 250 yards off of a bipod with my 6mm-284 (Broughton 5C 1-8T), center-grip Remington XP-100, using 115 DTAC's.

Being somewhat of an odd-duck, I do not have any centerfire rifles, but do all of my shooting/hunting/competing with specialty handguns.
I also use revolvers and semi-autos some for plinking and some hunting.
On Memorial Day just Seb and I went out shooting, and on this day, I pulled out my rear grip Rem XP-100 chambered in 6.5-284. Built by Greg Tannel, it has a fully trued action, Krieger 1-8 twist 17" barrel, 140 Grain A-Max's. Stock is by Mcmillan. Optic is a Leupold Mark 4 8.5-25 with Holland's ART reticle.
This set-up was much easier for Seb to use since he was able to use his rest and it was an ambi-grip.
Seb had told me he had never shot beyond 400 yards, and that was with a rifle. I knew that barrier would be broken before the day was over, and hopefully we would reach his goal=1,000 yard pd with a specialty handgun.
Seb picked up using a riflescope on a specialty pistol quickly and before the morning was over he dropped a pd at 1,008 yards (ranged several times with a Swarovski LRF).
I guess Seb was not content with a typical body shot but went for a head shot! Well, that is where he hit it anyway.
You can see my Suburban in the distance, just above Seb's shoulder.

Here is Seb working off of my Hart portable Bench, using his rest

He just couldn't stop smiling after he made that shot.
We went to the house and I grilled some steaks then our family took Seb & Lily to the Bighorns and they got see and play in snow for the first time.
Great story and memories that will most assuredly last a lifetime for all . Thanks for sharing. I am sure that Seb and Lily will share this story when they return home to the amazement of those listening about the bad Americans. I am sure this story will never be repeated in any of the major newspapers. Your a GREAT AMERICAN. Better diplomacy than Carter or Obama ever did or will do!!!
Ern. u oughtta send those pics into the Varmint Hunter's Mag. with a little details-type note. Then send the copy to him. See if he wants to get an antelope tag next year...? We'll take him, ehhh?
Let me get this right, never shot a SP at long range, just happened to make a shot at better than a 1000 yards. I am tall and good looking too, LOL LOL.

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Let me get this right, never shot a SP at long range, just happened to make a shot at better than a 1000 yards. I am tall and good looking too, LOL LOL. Harold

Seb is a dedicated short range BR shooter.
My rear grip 6.5-284 XP was designed to compete in the LG class in 1K rifle matches.
Plus, he was using one of his own SEB Coaxial Rests.
I was calling dope to him through the spotting scope.
I am sorry, but it is not as hard as as many think, when the conditions are good-Yes, they were good.

Next time he comes to Gillette, you are welcome to come and watch and shoot if you so choose.
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