Nice Christmas Surprise EARLY


Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2011
North West Wyoming
So my Wife comes up to me after Supper and says we need to talk :rolleyes:. We sit down and she starts to tell me about how much she enjoys watching me shoot my rifles and reload as well, then she pulls out this piece of paper and hands it to me. She went last Friday down to our local Sherrifs Dept. and got her permit to carry card, and then tells me her late nights at work were actually Firearms Safety Courses, then says she wants a pistol and rifle so she can shoot with me for Christmas. I am about the Happiest man tonight to be able to share my hobby with her and my son now. :D:D:D

Anyways just wanted share my excitement with some of you.
Well today we went into town and I let her pick out her own pistol. She chose a Sig Sauer Mosquito.


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I have to agree with Joe on this one. That would be the best X-mas gift I would ever receive.

Now take that Gal shooting!

Well today we went into town and I let her pick out her own pistol. She chose a Sig Sauer Mosquito.
Great pistol! Be sure and use the recomended ammo with it. Lisa has one and we had many malfunctions while using Blaser ammo up in Alaska. It was good practice for clearing a malfuntion. It works flawlessly with CCI MiniMags.
I love going out shooting with my wife and she does too.
That's good to know on the ammo thanks. We will be going out this weekend to shoot, she has been looking at some rifles and she is leaning towards a .223 caliber bolt action savage. I would like to talk her into a little bigger caliber but she is just starting and will be only target shooting for now, she says. :D
What!!! That's no good! She'll shoot your ammo...less for you! Seriously, that's great! Its alway more enjoyable with family and friends.
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