New barrel


Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2016
Live in a small town south of Boise Idaho called M
I'm just curious here, I have a browning xbolt in 7mm-08 and was wondering if I could put a new barrel on it in something like a 7mm ss??? How much work would it be? Would it be worth my time? I haven't had the need or want to swap barrels until now. I'm open to ideas! Help me out here.
Easy as pie.
Plus a properly set up barrel and necessary magazine modifications.

Worth your time? Meh. I would grab a Savage large shank action and do it on that. Then when you want to do a real switch barrel it's both cheap and easy.

Doing the Browning, you would be better off choosing something that stays on the .473" bolt face since that's about a $400 part as it would seem. Add that to a $300 barrel and another $200 to set it up. You're into pretty nice new rifle territory.
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