More Dad stuff


Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2021
As I've previously stated, I have three girls. My oldest, and two identical twins. Identical to the point I caught them switching classes at one point in middle school. Even their friends couldn't tell them apart. Dad could. Anyway, at about 13, they wanted more freedom since they were all grown up....yes it happens...always thought it was the toughest part of my job. Teach them to make their own decisions, but expect them to own that decision even when the outcome wasn't what they wanted. Knowing when they are well raised, they will need to spread their wings and leave to have their own lives. We live on an old farm that is located on an even older Miami Indian settlement. Finding arrowheads requires one to look down occasionally. They loved hiking in the woods, but wanted to go without Dad one day as they were "big girls" now. After a minute, I agreed, but said, "Take the dogs with you" and DO NOT cross the creek. It was rare that we took the dogs along, but I knew the dogs wouldn't leave them, especially if I didn't go along. Reluctantly, they agreed. Wasn't 30 minutes later I heard both dogs go off. Not barking, not howling, definitely not happy. I headed into the woods, sticking to the high ground, until I was close enough to see what was wrong. Both girls had crossed the creek, but neither dog would follow. No amount of coercion would get the dogs to follow, and my dogs loved water. Jake, a black Lab cross, saw me moving, and charged all teeth and attitude, until he got close enough to recognize me. I called to my girls, said we had to go back, as they had crossed the creek. Dejectedly, they came back, albeit slowly. As soon as they got to me, they had questions. Had I followed them??? Nope, that would have been a lie if I gave permission. They knew that about me. (Hint, Dad's need to live the examples they set)

Another moment of silence as we headed back. "So how did you know we had crossed the creek?" I didn't hesitate.

"The dogs told me"

They were always allowed to hike on their own after that, they always took the dogs, and they never crossed the creek again.