Manners or McMillan stock wait time?


Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2011
I am considering placing an order at one of the companies for a new stock for my T3X CTR. Does anyone know what the estimated wait time for either company would be?

I really want a MCS-T. Anyone know if they will inlet for CTR?

I am considering placing an order at one of the companies for a new stock for my T3X CTR. Does anyone know what the estimated wait time for either company would be?

I really want a MCS-T. Anyone know if they will inlet for CTR?


I waited almost 7 months for a Manners in CF but it was all custom, not an off the shelf model and another month to have it hydrocoated in KUIU camo. Was it worth it? Sure was. Nice furniture and very light and rigid..
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