Lucky that I'm stubborn.

When you spray on the commercial lubes like the instructions say and it works on commercial brass and then do the same procedure for this brass and it sticks there is something wrong.
I even tried the pad lubes that I could find and ended up with the same thing. Stuck cases.
Never stuck a single case with this mix. Not even after I put the decapping pin back in and FL sized like I normally do. Something is going on and I'm not sure what but what it appeared to me to be happening was the case was bulged out along the case body enough that as the case entered the die it would wipe off the lube as it entered the die. The MIX did not do that and was stuck to the case enough that even when it wiped off most of it the remainder slid in and lubed the surface enough to keep it from sticking. Something the other lubes were not able to do. I also found that the case only needed a light coat as really smearing it on did not seem to make any difference. I really don't know the what or why of it, all I know is the what the results were. By posting this results I thought maybe the next person trying to do the same thing might benefit from what I went through and save the brass rather than giving up and throwing it away.
"Any time a case gets stuck in a sizer it's due to improper lube or improper application, nothing else."

"The MIX did not do that and was stuck to the case enough that even when it wiped off most of it the remainder slid in and lubed the surface enough to keep it from sticking. Something the other lubes were not able to do."

We are in agreement. Waxes are quite effective aren't they?
Something I forgot to mention. When I wash the cases off I notice that there is a bit of beading up of the water like there is maybe just a light coat of wax still on the case but if you try to wipe it off it doesn't come off. This leads me to believe it might be a combination of the wax and mink oil rather than one particular ingredient.
Now that I have figured it out my hmm BUDDY is coming over and bringing another 1500 rounds of brass he wants to split with me. :) His whole reloading set up is brand new but I think he is afraid to use it with this stuff. Looks like I soon will have a lifetime supply of LC 04 brass.
Given all the time, expense and aggravation you invested I think a 90/10 split on the 1500 would be fair.:)
There are three of us in this now. :) Friday night my buddy came over and in 2.5 hrs we did another 700 rounds. (Shoulder and arm a bit stiff yesterday) :) Using both my reloaders.
All 3 of us shoot together and get along good so I don't think its a case of I worked hard so I should get more kind of thing. :)
Were trying to get to the point we all three have about 1000-1500 rounds each if the one has enough to supply us all. (Found out he has one of those huge ammo can's full yet) :)
My buddy and I are kind of taking care of the kid as he is going for his Masters degree and has little time to do the resizing thing but that's ok. We will give him enough crap to make it even. :)
He is an ex marine sniper and can't hit crap, or at least we tell him so. Wouldn't trade him for nothing. He is too much fun to pick on.
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