Interested in a CO Elk Rifle hunt?


Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2007
Blanchard, OK
I am putting together a rifle elk hunt in Colorado for the 2nd rifle season (Oct. 18-26) or 3rd rifle season (Nov. 1-7). Perhaps unit 521 or I am open to considering others.

I am looking for 3 to 10 hunters interested in organizing this hunt. Non-resident bull tags are over-the-counter and cost $526 plus a few small "fees" (less than $20). If born after 1949 you will need a hunter safety course card. This will be a "do-it-yourself" public land hunt and the exact location(s) can be determined by the group.

My regular hunting partners are cash and vacation-time short this year. I have hunted solo, in groups ranging from 2 to 12 and find that about 8 or 10 seams to work very well. With this size group meals and clean up and packing out game is a LOT less demanding on each hunter. Believe me, after spending all day walking up hill without air to breath, you don't want to have to do ALL the cooking and clean up. Having a good size group sure can spread around camp duties.

I plan to pull my "off-road" pop-up trailer (can sleep 3 or 4) and an ATV in my 4x4 truck. Camping arrangements, camp "rules" , food, etc. can be determined by the group.

Normally, I scout the hunting area with my wife in July and go up a few days before opening day to set up and scout.

I live west of Norman, Oklahoma and with gas prices being what they are I was hoping to find one or two from this area to "truck pool" with. If not I can meet a Texas group on the way up. If anyone is interested in getting together call me at 405-650-2159 cell or email [email protected].
A bunch of us from Realtree forums are getting together to hunt elk (again) same as we did in 06 at the "Great Realtree Colorado Elk Camp". It'll be unit 55(probably?) 3rd rifle Nov 1-7(for sure). Plan is to camp near Crested Butte(probably?). Here's a link to my 06 pics
(we had a great time, 1 5x5 bull killed by two young guys who drove straight 30 hours from PA): 2006 Realtree CO Elk Hunt pictures from friends & fun photos on webshots

And here's a link to the 08 thread: Realtree Colo Elk Hunt 08 - Realtree & Advantage Forums

Since your not tooo far away you're more than welcome to join us. Please feel free to email me for my fone number if you have questions. They say it's 'my' hunt but that's just so they have someone to blame stuff on. I'm really just the info guy and 'scout'. In 06 a Realtree Corp guy attended but that isnt happening this yr. Too bad too cause he's a great guy. Mostly it's just a bunch of old fat tired big game hunters and a retired guide having a great time getting cold wet tired and dirty in the high country.

It's a 'on your own do your own thing, come as you are run what ya brung' type of hunt. Sometime we hunt together and sometimes we dont, but we always share the day's experiences in an effort to do better tomorrow.
Sounds like a great time!!
RT Hunt

Thanks for the invite. I will keep an eye on your trip and when you land on a place I will review my plans. Who knows might just work out.

Me and a buddy are planning to do the same thing 3rd season. Were going to unit 581 and hunt the pike national forest. We'll see when it gets closer in time, I might have to look ya up. Rudy.
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