Gearing up for Barbary Sheep in New Mexico

You gotta be chomping at the bit to get out there, egh? I know I am, even getting a little excited...( understatement ). I am try to get a few last minute answers about some things before we get out there...Like texting...does it come/go through out there. I know here at our ranch we don't always get calls in/out but we sure get texting...
What a great experience...
Had hike out over 50 miles in the first week all over Guadalupe Mtns. My GPS was my friend out there...Met a few different folks some from there, some not... After 7 days all we heard was 2 shots the entire time from away distance. Even went over the edge to hike down and camp for a two day outing way down low...but that did not work out in our favor due to once we got down 2 hours later and 800' elevation drop we had ran into some serious shelf' returning that way once we dropped off of them...So back up the same day we went...ugh...
After seeing sheep low we wanted to get lower and due to the red flag wind warnings the plan was to stick out the rest of the weekend high and move to lower elevations at the beginning of the week and continue our luck elsewhere. I could have sworn that mountain was moving...
After our move in the am on Monday, found this guy on Tuesday around 4pm with strong wind gust across two bowl canyons backed up to each other. Final shot was 245 yds, slight grade up and a well calculated hold out. Maybe a 50 yard dash around a cliff/bowl corner and there he laid with 1 30-06 180 grain federal premium Nosler Partition shot.
There has been a lot of 1st on this trip and this is one for my "Happy thought place" in my memory.
Enjoy the photos and remember to Hunt hard, Hunt smart, Stay positive and Good things will happen...

Sheep Hunt 2012 047.jpg

Sheep Hunt 2012 057.jpg

Sheep Hunt 2012 083.jpg
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Congrats. I just spent 5+ days there and never saw another hunter or any sheep Still a great hunt though, except for the wind.
Hope you had as good as luck as we did on our new mexico sheep hunt. We hit it hard for 9 days and it really paid off. I just posted a few pictures from our hunt today.
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