chance to win free rifles???


Active Member
Aug 27, 2011
Ok so i got your attention
So tell me if this sounds like a killer idea.
Were thinking of hosting a competition shoot kind of like the oregon sniper challenge without the helo of course. Mainly for the guys that arent up to the caliber of folks that are gonna be there at the sniper challenge. Im fairly new to long range shooting but would love to get together with other oregonians that love to shoot long range and test there skills in a real world environment. First i will say this, we are trying to be able to get 2 thats right 2 george allen precision rifles for the grand prize team to walk away with. If you have never looked at or shot a GAP rifle it will blow your mind. So far what we have figured out is the area it will be held, and alot of the courses are figured out as far as scoring also. I have spoke with a couple local shops that will be donating prizes also like berger bullets, hornady ammo etc.. we are also looking into the option for 2nd place teams to walk away with a nice new off the shelf remmy or savage or something of that nature. The only way for us to do this is to get an idea of how many people would actually be interested in this. The oregon sniper cvhallenge this year i believe was 200.00 per person, for our event we were discussing possibly as low as 50.00 per person and a 2 day event. we would like to see a turn out of approx 75 to 100 people so upwards of 40 teams. We would have range officers and staff for this event and will be held on prrivate property, it is a non profit deal to where all the entree fees would go straight to the prizes, we would get nothing except the pleasure to make some new friends. One major thing we wanted was for NO benchrest rifles, Just your ordinary off the shelf rifles with minor work done. We dont want to discourage the newer group of shooters by putting them up against a full custom with a nightforce scope when they are using a savage 110 or something of the sort with factory scopes. If this sounds like a good deal please shoot me an email with suggestions etc.. or post em here and lets see if we can do something with it.
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