A different idea for cartridge display!


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2018
So in the near future, I'll be building a set of bookshelves for our living room that will combine books with a glass front display of "stuff " we have accumulated over the year.....One of my dreams is to build a large Cartridge display. Anyone that has went down this road, realizes that there is a PILE of different cartridges and if you wait until you have them all to build it, it'll never get done, but adding one new case in the middle of what you have, can be a pain with alot of the displays on the market. Anyway, I think I've found a way to make a really cool display that you can add new cases to very easily.......
You can buy small magnets that mimic primers.....5mmx3mm are large rifle, 4mmx3mm are small rifle.

I secured them with a touch of silicone glue.....epoxy would probably be better. I'll probably cut the case heads off a second shell, and use it below the case, so you can tell what cartridge it is. It's a work in progress, but this opens up for some really cool display options.....like all the lever action cartridges, displayed on a old octagon barrel, or WWII Cartridges on a old Mauser bayonet. Also.....smaller cases can hang sideways off something metal. Anyway, I just thought I throw this idea out there in case someone is starting a cartridge display! Some pictures of cases ready to go just stuck to a metal locker, and old shotgun barrel....
A picture of rifle cases hanging sideways off the safe, so the magnets are plenty strong!
Planning to coat them with Renaissance wax, unless someone has something that works better.
Bringing this back up to add a list of Cartridges that I have been working on......I'm fairly certain it is missing a few, especially Wildcats, but it has A LOT of the cartridges every made on it, including quite a few that I had to Google just to see what they were. There also is some overlap on the pistol to rifle cartridges. Anyway, this is a clean sheet, I use mine to track what I have vs what I need.....Maybe someone can save a bunch of time by copying and pasting what they are looking for! I can't attach the excel file, so it is in PDF, but if anyone wants a Excel copy, PM me your email and I'll send it to you. I'm slowly getting to the point where I'll have enough to put together a decent display, that I can add to as I find other odd-ball cases.


  • Cartridge list.pdf
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