7mm STW

Terry Scott

Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2010
Reno Nevada
Got a 7 mag that needs a new barrel, wondering if it would be worth rechambering the new barrel to a STW.
Whichever the cartridge, the barrel will be 26'' long in a Sendero contour.
Think its worth the hassle to switch? I am using either 168 gr Bergers or their 180gr bullet. Gun weight is about 9.5 lbs.
I'm pushing the 168s @3050fps.
Probably not worth the hassle, but, what the hell, the 7STW is newer, bigger, more interesting; and the 7 Rem. Mag. has become sorta "old hat." :)

You will need a Wyatt's extended magazine box for the STW, and probably some work on the bolt stop.
Definitely worth it and you will be very satisfied with it. I have five 7 stw's and they all shoot very well. The 7mm STW is a very accurate hard hitting cartridge. If you are staying with 7mm the STW is what I would do.
You can push 3200 with the 162 and 168. Where they really shine is with 140's.
3450 is book speed. A 26 inch barrel is a must. They loose a lot of velocity as you
go shorter.
180 Bergers/Retumbo is very popular and works very well in my 7 STW (27" barrel). 77 grs. is good, but I'm working toward 79 grs.

Why buy a Ferrari if you ain't gonna drive fast?
These loads are with a 26" barrel. 140 grain bullet, 85 grains 7828 at 3527 fps. Remington factory 140 grain actual chrono at 3470 fps. 162 grain bullet 82.5 grains 7828=3335 fps. These are my best accuracy loads. I have gone faster.
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