7mm stw


Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2019
Lexington Kentucky
I picked up a Browning A bolt in a trade. Am just learning the capabilities of this gun and so far really like it. Recoil isn't as bad as I expected but muzzle jump is high. Thinking about a brake just don't know anything about them. Which brand do most of my fellow 7mm stw shooters use.
Like I said it's a browning a bolt with a riton 6 x24 ffp scope. Haven't done anything else to it yet not really sure what to do first.
I don't have a 7mm STW, but I have a couple rifles with muzzlebrakes. My first rifle with a brake is a .308 Norma Magnum. It has a custom 3 port, side exit, brake that is no longer made. It is very similar to the Hawkins Precision brake on my other rifle, which is a custom .284 Winchester. I highly recommend the Hawkins Precision 3 port brakes. They're only like $50-60 and they drastically reduces recoil. My .308 Norma is pushing a 208gr ELD at 3050fps and the recoil is like a .243, very manageable and comfortable. My .284 with a 180gr ELD at 2850fps is like shooting a .22-250 with light bullets. They both can be shot by just about anyone, and make the rifles so easy to shoot and control. I can spot my own hits through the scope with the .308 Norma at any range. I would definitely take a look at Hawkins Precision muzzlebrakes. I got mine through Red Hawk rifles and they have a good selection and great prices.
I don't have a 7mm STW, but I have a couple rifles with muzzlebrakes. My first rifle with a brake is a .308 Norma Magnum. It has a custom 3 port, side exit, brake that is no longer made. It is very similar to the Hawkins Precision brake on my other rifle, which is a custom .284 Winchester. I highly recommend the Hawkins Precision 3 port brakes. They're only like $50-60 and they drastically reduces recoil. My .308 Norma is pushing a 208gr ELD at 3050fps and the recoil is like a .243, very manageable and comfortable. My .284 with a 180gr ELD at 2850fps is like shooting a .22-250 with light bullets. They both can be shot by just about anyone, and make the rifles so easy to shoot and control. I can spot my own hits through the scope with the .308 Norma at any range. I would definitely take a look at Hawkins Precision muzzlebrakes. I got mine through Red Hawk rifles and they have a good selection and great prices.
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