.264" Nosler Longe Range accubond


Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2012
Charleston, WV
Does anyone know if these are available for purchase? Everywhere I look they say "coming soon" or "overdue" or something like that. I d like to try some. I can't even find them in Noslers store.
Have the same problem with the 7mm 168gr bullets. I would love to try them but no one had them. I will stick to Berger's, I can get them and I know they work very well. Why fix it if it ain't broken
Well so far I can't get my gun to shoot the Berger vld well and I don't know if I want to try to hunt with the target hybrid. So in my case it is broke.
These will work at 1000

Have you shot animals between 700 And 1000 with it? What animals and what damage did the bullet do? I'd hate to spend several thousand on a hunt only to put a pinhole in a trophy and not find it. So I'm trying to find as much real world info as I can get on the hybrid performance.
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