2 MT bulls in 24 hours


Active Member
Feb 16, 2014
Opening day and the next 24 hours was the most incredible 2 days in my life. first off, on the evening before opening day, we spotted 20 head of elk with 3 bulls in the heard so obviously we wanted to get in on them first thing in the morning. I let out one single bugle and here he comes, snorting, and barking the whole way in. he hung up at about 60 yards and looked things over. I thought he caught our wind but he proceeded to close the distance slowly. i had to shift 90 degrees to my right as he came in higher than i thought he would. As i drew my bow i realized there was only about a basketball sized window i had to shoot through. the good news was he was going to be close. real close. he came into my window as i let one go and heard the "Thwack" the bull peeled off and fell over dead 20 yards from where i shot him. it took awhile to process everything that happened it what seemed like the blink of an eye. i stepped off how far the shot was, a distant 4 yards. after packing my bull out, (it was only 20 minutes into opening day when i shot him) we went out for the evening hunt, chasing a bull into a deep canyon that opened up into a nice valley. finally i struck up a fight with this bull after aggressively bugling and pulling his cows away from him. he came charging in and my dad stuck him at 15 yards. we also got the luxury of watching his bull die as well. being 6 miles back that led for a long night of packing. when we went back for our second trip of meat on my dads bull, there was a sow grizzly with two cubs eating the gut pile. i tell ya, having a full grown grizzly stand up a mere 10 yards from you in the pitch black night is quite an unnerving experience, but we escaped with all the meat safely. sure was nice to take the rest of our week vacation camping and looking for bears instead of chasing elk in grueling country. it doesnt matter to me the size of the horns, this is my first bull with a bow and will forever be my greatest trophy. i got to share my first archery bull with my best hunting partner, my dad. as well as get him his bull in the same day. truly amazing.


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Wow, what an epic day. That will have to be the best ever. I bet you guys were wore out by the time you got back to camp.

Did you get on any bears?

Nice story and congrats. I have never shot a elk and I don't care how big its horns or lack there of a are. But I keep trying
Great story! I'm wondering about the title. Sounds more like two bulls and a Grizzly encounter in 24 hours. You decide on your trophies, they are your hunts and your memories. Thanks for sharing!
That is truly awesome for you and your dad to be able to share in this experience together... And both elk look great from where I'm sitting. Terrific job. Really appreciate you sharing it with us! Nothing better than a good hunt with good people.
Congrats, my elk hunt starts in a week and a half, hope I am as fortunate as you and your dad. What a great hunt.
Thanks for all the support guys. I still have a hard time believing how perfect everything worked out. Steve, unfortunately we didn't get on any bears. We did spot a nice big sow carrying 3 cubs. We took it pretty easy the rest of the week figuring we have until rifle opener for deer to look for bears, well we still haven't come up with any bears yet and we're wishing we would have tried a little harder down at camp. Unfortunately there is a lot of sheep down at our camp and the shepherder isn't very forgiving when it comes to bears in his sheep herd, so that makes it difficult. I did however put my buddy on his first elk with a bow last weekend. And he got a real booner. Not too exciting though as this old bull was real quiet we spot and stalked him (I'm more of the call em in close type) but an awesome hunt to be a part of.


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Nice bulls If i get one like any of those on my Montana trip in 3 weeks I'll be doing a mount as I will probably only do this hunt maybe one more if i can and the wife lets me lol dream hunt is alaska for a yukon moose and 2 black bears ill be starting to save for it after this hunt. Id be proud of any of those bulls to be on my wall.
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