New info on Chronic Wasting Disease

There's a certain lab in China that can make it happen. Just sayin' šŸ˜‰
You do realize they are also in the USA. And working with that China lab & many others around the world. There not far from my home. Notice the date on this article. I find it funny after posting their goings on during the Covid BS. They have dismantled their website. And their new site covers none of what I posted from the old one. And the new site makes it harder to find & research what they are doing. Imagine that.
April 26, 2018 (301) 619-2285
Fort Detrick, MD [email protected]
Study of Bat Natural Immunity to Marburg Virus May Shed Light on Human Disease
Scientists examining the genome of Egyptian fruit bats, a natural reservoir for the deadly
Marburg virus, have identified several immune-related genes that suggest bats deal with viral
infections in a substantially different way than primates. Their research, published online today
in the journal CELL, demonstrates that bats may be able to host viruses that are pathogenic in
humans by toleratingā€”rather than overcomingā€”the infection.
Bats are known to harbor many viruses, including several that cause disease in humans,
without demonstrating symptoms. To identify differences between antiviral mechanisms in
humans and bats, the research team sequenced, assembled, and analyzed the genome of
Rousettus aegyptiacus, the Egyptian fruit batā€”a natural reservoir of Marburg virus and the only
known reservoir for any filovirus.
Jonathan Towner, Ph.D., of the Viral Special Pathogens Branch at the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), provided the bats from which the DNA was extracted.
Towner had traveled to Uganda to investigate the colony of Egyptian fruit bats implicated in a
Marburg fatality there.
"Using that DNA, we generated the most contiguous bat genome to date and used it to
understand the evolution of immune genes and gene families in bats. This is classical
comparative immunology and a good example of the link between basic and applied sciences,"
explained co-senior author Gustavo Palacios, Ph.D., who heads the Center for Genome Sciences
at the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID).
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USA TODAY put an article today from the CDC that said that the stories from earlier in April were wrong and the hunters didn't die from CWD. but you take it for what it is worth coming from the gov.
it doesn't even cross my mind when eating venison, mine is totally deboned.
Right, the CDC said Covid didn't come from the virology lab in Wuhan either. You can trust them, they're the government, with no agenda.
And Big Pharma has nothing to gain from a pandemic panic.
And a piece of unknown cloth or other materials worn by untrained individuals even with ZZ Top beards are just as effective as designed, approved respirators approved for specific respirable <10 micron air contaminants. Uh huh.
I would suggest everyone look at what these labs are doing. There's usually a pattern to be shown after a long enough timeline. It was like the Monkey pox. This lab had articles on it before it was even a thing. And don't get me started on the nano particles.
Here is an analysis that Dr. James Kroll (aka Dr. Deer) posted on his Facebook page regarding the article/study cited.

"Here is what has to be one of the most unscientific papers we have ever read, and a group of the top wildlife and animal disease scientists agree with Doc! These folks take one case involving development of the human form of Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies, called Sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (sCJD) in two individuals as "proof" that CWD has infected humans! 85% of CJD cases are Sporadic (happening from some unknown cause), and 10-15% are genetic. The national infection rate in humans is less than 1.5 per million!

The authors take this one "cluster" of two, each of which not only were diagnosed as sporadic but these individuals were genetically disposed to developing CJD!

Then they refer to a study never published in Canada on monkies and others using mice models as "evidence" that it is "plausible" that, since these two men were in a population that eats venison, it "could" be documentation that humans can catch CWD!

Next, science always involves an hypothesis and an experimental design that rigorously tests the hypothesis. In scientific, peer-reviewed papers, the authors normally disclose in detail their experimental design and methods, under a section subtitled "Methods and Materials." Here is what this short paper discloses:


Not applicable."

They conclude,

"Based on non-human primate and mouse models, cross-species transmission of CJD is plausible. Due to the challenge of distinguishing sCJDMM1 from CWD without detailed prion protein characterization, it is not possible to definitively rule out CWD in these cases. Although causation remains unproven, this cluster emphasizes the need for further investigation into the potential risks of consuming CWD-infected deer and its implications for public health."

There are about 13 million hunters in the U.S. using CDC data, that means that about 20 humans in that population will annually contract CJD. That two of these happened to know each other seems more a case of coincidence than cause-and-effect!

The last sentence cuts to the chase:a call for more research!

Folks, we told you the CWD camp was getting desperate, since efforts to eradicate CWD have failed! And, concrete scientific evidence of CWD harming deer populations has not appeared! Doc predicts this questionable paper will be cited time and again as evidence people can contract CWD, by one of the most poorly read and ill-informed groups of wildlife biologists! Here is the paper, so you can form your own opinion."
Epidemiological studies are based upon population of significance not by gosh by golly. This crap is no different than those so called studies of clusters under transmission lines which has been been proven as transient population effects totally unrelated to transmission lines. You can make any datapoint dance, but you can't over ride datasets. I am dig deeper to see where their "funding" came from. Anybody want to guess? PETA?
I look at it this way. I don't eat fish when I can see they have worms. I don't eat cottontails until a good freeze. And I'll probably not eat deer that look sick. If CWD gets thick out here I'll still hunt coyotes. I've said this before they already figured out that banning firearms isn't the way to go. Making them too expensive to shoot is their goal. It's already established that the 2A isn't there for hunting. So making it too expensive is the easiest way to meeting their goals.
It is real nice to see others waking up the the BS that is CWD. I did a research paper on it in college and back than I realized what it was. Another method of control and fear mongering. If you are worried about dying from CWD circumstances I hope you never got a Covid vaccine as your immune system is now absent and will let anything foreign take over your body. It's just a matter of when.

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