TexasSportsman's latest activity

  • TexasSportsman
    TexasSportsman replied to the thread Corporate Grind.
    Why don't you go on the Facebook and search back about 7 or 8 years to try to find a guy that way you can Is correct him. I'm just...
  • TexasSportsman
    TexasSportsman replied to the thread Corporate Grind.
    Why do you care I'm trying to tell a story and I'm telling you what the guy posted on his Facebook page years ago. You appear to be...
  • TexasSportsman
    TexasSportsman replied to the thread Corporate Grind.
    In his Facebook post he specifically said he's a park ranger.
  • TexasSportsman
    There's no way to train for a mountainous adventure without mountains. A college friend and I hiked Angels Landing located in Zion...
  • TexasSportsman
    TexasSportsman replied to the thread Corporate Grind.
    One of the sacrifices that I had to make working at that $25 an hour job was hunting and fishing. At that hourly rate I couldn't afford...
  • TexasSportsman
    I was reading an article online how the Gen Z won't accept employment for certain positions due the lack of desire to face the corporate...