Recent content by Docpk

  1. Docpk

    I’ll take the Nightforce for the $720.99. I don’t see how to send you a pm. My email is...

    I’ll take the Nightforce for the $720.99. I don’t see how to send you a pm. My email is [email protected].
  2. Docpk


    I’ll take it
  3. Docpk

    Offer $750 shipped for the Nightforce shv to 02452

    Offer $750 shipped for the Nightforce shv to 02452
  4. Docpk

    Nightforce 3.5 - 15 x 50mm NXS

    Does this have an illuminated reticle?
  5. Docpk

    New member from Massachusetts

    MA is not a hunter friendly area and the hunting is not very good as not much land is open to hunting that is why I must travel. On the other hand, saltwater fishing is very good.
  6. Docpk

    New member from Massachusetts

    Hunted in my late teens and twenties in New England and then school, work and life got in the way. Got reenergized in my fifties and caught the hunting bug again and have done a fair amount over the last 8 years or so. Have been lucky enough to be able to to hunt out west a few times in Montana...