Whats the cartridge you LOVE to HATE?

Oh to be young.....a single action 22 LR revolver and lever action 22 LR rifle, I could take on anything!🤪🤣🤣
Now old and a more mature kid at heart, I know I need at least 5 to 10 hand guns of various types and maybe twice that in long guns plus a new ICBMBazookabunkerbuster to take on anything......maybe?🤣🤣🤣
You hear stories of what poachers in Africa attempt kill Cape buffalo with…we're all kinda crazy over here haha.

No matter how big a gun I end up owning…I come to want more horsepower. I know full well my .243 is more than enough for deer but I've used a .300 win mag for years as it inspires confidence and I like it.

Every now and then I'm reminded of how silly that is when i visit my uncle from time to time. He as an ice cream pail in his basement full of flint arrowheads that they (he, my dad, their father and grandfather) found over decades on the land. To think the indigenous people brought game down with literal sticks and stones but I'm not confident with my .243…. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

To that end....there's not much in North America that you can't get done with a 30-06.....and still be able to find ammo for it in most backwoods mom and pops shops if need be.

110gr Varmageddon to a 220gr Partition.....but after 117 years, it's certainly not the latest and greatest glam offering :cool:
I thought Y'all came standard with an Ought six cause it's been around so long.

.308 is common here but it's nice to have something nice because you like the specifications or it just seems more special than a more common choice.

@Calvin45 your not that old and 6 centre fires at your age is good, . Took me a while to get there. I'm content for now because I wanna use them more.
In the Carolina's at 16 they get issued a 6.5cm, 7 brand new flat brim hats and a truck that's lifted, only in the front, until it resembles a dog with worms, dragging its @$$ on the ground.


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Words escape me.....

I've never had a lifted truck. The regular ones get stuck just fine 🤣
Your comment about trucks getting stuck reminds me of the old piece of wisdom:

"What's the difference between 2 wheel drive and 4 wheel drive?"

I don't know, what?

"50 more feet of tow rope…"

You just get into even deeper trouble with one haha
And days like today they slip and slide more because we get ice once a year

Me: (Has a truck with good tires, 4wd, lots of weight in the bed)
Boss: Are you coming in?
Me: (Watching neighbor getting stuck at the bottom of their driveway in a Camry) ......no.
Boss: But you have a big truck.
Me: But everyone else is still an idiot.
To be fair, I'd take any amount of real snow over this ice garbage any day. You can drive in snow, but on ice Sir Isaac Newton climbs into the driver's seat and you're pretty much just along for the ride. I could skate down my street right now, but the average Texan will drive as fast as their bald tires can get them going on this stuff.

Makes me miss high school in Colorado when we would intentionally get to school early to spin around in the parking lot.
To be fair, I'd take any amount of real snow over this ice garbage any day. You can drive in snow, but on ice Sir Isaac Newton climbs into the driver's seat and you're pretty much just along for the ride. I could skate down my street right now, but the average Texan will drive as fast as their bald tires can get them going on this stuff.

Makes me miss high school in Colorado when we would intentionally get to school early to spin around in the parking lot.

Ice is the reason that I "always" have cables in my truck. Rarely ever need them…..but, when you do! 😉 memtb
To be fair, I'd take any amount of real snow over this ice garbage any day. You can drive in snow, but on ice Sir Isaac Newton climbs into the driver's seat and you're pretty much just along for the ride. I could skate down my street right now, but the average Texan will drive as fast as their bald tires can get them going on this stuff.

Makes me miss high school in Colorado when we would intentionally get to school early to spin around in the parking lot.
Oh for sure when it's waaaaaaay below freezing it's not too dangerous. The other day we had RAIN here…which is stupid and very very rare. In Saskatchewan in Janueary. It must have been warmer air at high altitude because the thermometer was showing -7 celcius (19 F apparently) and it was not just spitting, it was legit raining. Talk about a skating rink. Also, being rained on in sub-freezing weather is a whole different kind of cold haha.