DANG! Hunt Now Off


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2013
Was scheduled to hunt 2nd season CO. Unfortunately had to get epidural shot lumbar region for severe stenosis outbreak last week. It has not relieved the pain as it has in past. There is no way I can drive 25+, set up tent, and actually being able to hunt any elevation.

I am really not as upset as I thought I would be. Its completely out of my control and cannot get past the level of pain. Usually I can but this event is pretty acute. So now hopefully ok in week or so for remainder of bow.
Was scheduled to hunt 2nd season CO. Unfortunately had to get epidural shot lumbar region for severe stenosis outbreak last week. It has not relieved the pain as it has in past. There is no way I can drive 25+, set up tent, and actually being able to hunt any elevation.

I am really not as upset as I thought I would be. Its completely out of my control and cannot get past the level of pain. Usually I can but this event is pretty acute. So now hopefully ok in week or so for remainder of bow.
Sorry to hear that. The best we can do is offer prayers for your pain to lessen. I had an operation for a spinal cord injury in my neck 5 years ago. Been in sever pain ever since and opioids/pain meds don't work.. You may get some relief from doing PT. Hope you get better so you can get out and hunt!
Len & Jill
As you know, you just cannot get past back pain. Its like tooth pain, always present and no real relief. The problem with stenosis is the progression of the disease is out of anyone's control. You just try to manage it as best you can. I have pain meds but do not take them unless I can't function. This is not my last hunt, I can assure you that. I have a CanAm Defender coming maybe by end of Feb? That will help next years hunt to reduce some of the boot miles to just get back there. Also going back to popup pickup camper to minimize camp effort. I HAVE to dump a bull with the .270TH!!!!!!

I am not looking for anything in this post just a little bit frustration being released. I am big boy. 😂 More ways than I can to discuss!
Turned in my deer tag last week, blew out my shoulder. We have optional "point guard" here in Az so I didn't lose my points and someone who wasn't drawn gets to hunt in my place. Started physical therapy and hopefully I'll be able to hunt in the spring or have a shoulder replacement.
As you know, you just cannot get past back pain. Its like tooth pain, always present and no real relief. The problem with stenosis is the progression of the disease is out of anyone's control. You just try to manage it as best you can. I have pain meds but do not take them unless I can't function. This is not my last hunt, I can assure you that. I have a CanAm Defender coming maybe by end of Feb? That will help next years hunt to reduce some of the boot miles to just get back there. Also going back to popup pickup camper to minimize camp effort. I HAVE to dump a bull with the .270TH!!!!!!

I am not looking for anything in this post just a little bit frustration being released. I am big boy. 😂 More ways than I can to discuss!
Great minds and poor backs think alike.

Moving my ATV's on and looking at a side by side. A small motor home for camp, and hopefully extend a couple of seasons.

Maybe a spring bear bait, and/or a sage rat shoot.

No $5 fine or loss of points for whining here. PM me any time.
Dude…vent away! I got COVID19 the week before OH deer season last year. Was out of commission for months. I was ****ed, but during the season, I was just glad to be alive. 2 months later I got back to work. 6 months later I could take a reasonably long walk at sea level….mile or so.

No idea how hunting will be. I hope to get out of the truck and be on my feet hiking. We'll see.
The older you get you have to realize you have to ADJUST how you approach your hunts and what do you have to do. The decision to order a UTV was out of budget but my wife knows how important this is to me and encouraged me to get it ordered ASAP! You have to invest into "tools" to make it not only easier but safer for you. I will be 72 next year and I don't plan on hanging it up for quite a while.
Sucks, my 1st rifle fell through. my wife got incredibly sick, so after driving 3 days I caught a cheapo flight home. Glad I did, I had bought a ticket back out for this morning for my son to also fall ill last night. I'm just happy I was able to get my dad out there, I got a call he shot a dandy 6x6 Saturday morning and was happy as a clam.

Sometimes times are hard. Hopefully you get better as quickly as possible and can get something nice in bow
Turned in my deer tag last week, blew out my shoulder. We have optional "point guard" here in Az so I didn't lose my points and someone who wasn't drawn gets to hunt in my place. Started physical therapy and hopefully I'll be able to hunt in the spring or have a shoulder replacement.
Keep your OEM shoulder as long as you can, once you go artificial no turning back.