Scammer on Powder "Alphex Firearms"


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2013
Rhode Island
Was surfing the web today in hopes of finding some IMR or Hodgons 4350 powder. After striking out on most of the sites if did find Alphex Firearms in Lawrence, Kansas "did" in fact have powder in 1 pound containers, and you could purchase as many pounds as you would like for like $30 a pound. I "almost" clicked the to order, but.....decided to do a little "due diligence" and try to get reviews. Nothing there, so called the Lawrence, Kansas police department and spoke to the OIC. The OIC in fact told me that Alphex Firearms is a legitimate firearms dealership and they do sell firearms; however, the web page is a scam. The OIC stated that the store owner, the Lawrence City police department and the ATFE are trying to shut the site down. Again Alphex Firearms is a legitimate business, but the web site is a scam using this company's information, and has nothing to do with this shop and this gun shop is legitimate. It does pay to do "due diligence" when dealing with the internet sales of reloading components.

I did post this in the General Discussion forum as well. Not certain where it does belong, just do not want to see people getting ripped off.
that is what I was wondering, I find they have everything in stock was a red flag for me.
That's the easiest red flag. If they don't have lot of out of stock items, it's a scam.

The second, and pretty much just as easy is that they don't accept credit card. Bitcoin, cashapp, zelle, venmo. No serious business accepts any of those.

Maybe bitcoin, but that's a whole other thing.
Yeah everything is in stock on Alpex Firearms but no where else. Not accepting credit card is a huge red flag. No protection for the consumer.. They don't even offer a PayPal option, which would offer some level of protection..

Has anyone on longrangehunting lost $ to this company?
Yeah everything is in stock on Alpex Firearms but no where else. Not accepting credit card is a huge red flag. No protection for the consumer.. They don't even offer a PayPal option, which would offer some level of protection..

Has anyone on longrangehunting lost $ to this company?
I was a idiot and fell for the whole scam needing powder they did offer a CC option on top of Bitcoin long story short my CC is shut down while i try and dispute the 9 charges on my CC, i should have know better.
I was a idiot and fell for the whole scam needing powder they did offer a CC option on top of Bitcoin long story short my CC is shut down while i try and dispute the 9 charges on my CC, i should have know better.

I think that you are being too hard on yourself. You are not an idiot, these people are good at what they do it is that simple!! These scammers/scum look for an avenue where people are vulnerable, right now finding reloading components is just about impossible, so....."Let's see how these desperate people can be taken for their hard earned money!!???" They "almost' caught me and I am super cautious before I buy anything online. You are a victim of some very inventive, crooked people, and that can be anyone of us at any time.
I think that you are being too hard on yourself. You are not an idiot, these people are good at what they do it is that simple!! These scammers/scum look for an avenue where people are vulnerable, right now finding reloading components is just about impossible, so....."Let's see how these desperate people can be taken for their hard earned money!!???" They "almost' caught me and I am super cautious before I buy anything online. You are a victim of some very inventive, crooked people, and that can be anyone of us at any time.
Thank you for lessoning the blow, i too am careful but needed some AA1680 for a Latter test on 7.62x39 rounds were my cast and polymer coated bullets are getting real close to were i could shoot comp's with them for easy reasons with the case so small trying to stay out of compressed loading i needed AA 1680 . Last year there was a place in PA same story with reloading but as a stocking Gun shop of firearms and ammo and reloading last year was worse and i was not going to get shafted on Gun Broker paying 50 percent mark up and the PA place was easyier to see there Scam Fred...
I was a idiot and fell for the whole scam needing powder they did offer a CC option on top of Bitcoin long story short my CC is shut down while i try and dispute the 9 charges on my CC, i should have know better.
I am sorry to hear that and agree with Alibiiv, don't be too hard on yourself. This guy acts legit and these folks are very good at what they do. When I messaged Alphex last week, CC was NOT an option otherwise I would have proceeded with an order. Are you saying he took your CC information? When did that happen? I would be surprised that if you used a credit card that the CC company doesn't get your $ back.
This is back up but they want you to send money direct by Zelle app.
Zelle is what banks use as Venmo, but directly. It is a great service. Venmo (owned by PapPal) is a 3rd party involvemetn in a transaction. The issue with Venmo and Zelle is that the buyer has no recourse if the seller doesn't hold up his end of the bargin. Credit card companies require fees that provide this protection for the buyer. PayPal goods and services does the same. Alphex does no use these payment methods and this is a red flag....
I even got a follow up email from Alphex firearms. They wanted to know if I was going to follow through with my order. I asked them to prove to me that it was not a scam. No response.
WELL, I screwed up and took the bait. I saw these threads a day to late. I paid via Venmo. I am wondering if they can do anything, If anything, I asked for a refund, no answer yet, probably never. I am a cyber security guy too... should have seen this coming, but the pay address was a valid registered one. I don't get that.