Mike Matteson

Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2017
Class 3 Federal Firearms License To Own A Suppressor.
Why is this so hard and drawn out?
The suppressor is allowed in 42 states, and 40 states allow it to be used while hunting. I started an application for a Class 3 firearms license a few months ago, to purchase a suppressor. Reading, and getting the paper work together to submit, it hit me oddly. It takes 9 to 14 months to get the Class 3 license for a suppressor. Why does this take so long and so many hoops to go through, probable the Fed's like to make it hard and people give up.
So this got me to thinking, and maybe it won't get me to far,n so I am trying to put pen to paper.
In looking into it more, I began to wonder why? It's not much more that a glorified piece of pipe. The suppressor would have to be thrown to work without being attached to a firearm, which generally requiring a firearm barrel to be threaded to attach the suppressor. Most firearms don't come threaded at the muzzle. This takes time to work over the barrel to attach the suppressor. Much more than just purchasing a firearm. The suppressor is worthless if not attach to a firearm.
Now a Firearm can do great Bodley harm. AGAIN, that only takes about 15 minutes to be approved and walk out the door, with the firearm. The suppressor takes 9 to 14 months to get approved. The suppressor can't hurt anybody, unless you hit someone while you have it's in your hand. By itself, it just an expensive piece of pipe.
This law went into effect sometime in the 1930's, and for why or what I don't know? Our law makers were hard at work over thinking this, that become a problem.
Now my feeling is; we need to get a letter campaign going to our Federal Congressmen, and Senators. 1. Requesting this law be changed to reflect what the suppressor really is. 2. Now I do feel that a personal check or application should be done, just like the application for a firearm,and cleared the same way. 3. There is a $200.00 Federal Stamp that presently has to be paid too. Why again I don't really know why. That costs or charge needs to be dropped or stopped.
Here the conclusion I came up with: To purchase a firearm it take about 15 minutes to do the paper work at a firearm store, and have it approved by the Federal Government, which I don't have a real problem with. The Federal Government is checking to see if you are a felon, or you are not wanted, and no court orders against you. In most state you can sell your firearm to anybody else without even filing any paper work. So the same principal should apply for the suppressor.
So see what people think here and see what we can do.
I would also include a suppressor is a "safety" device to reduce hearing loss along with noise reduction for the environment.

One other aspect is what are the suppressor rules in Europe. Worth showing UK allows from practical purposes. Of course some countries are still in WW2 mindset.

See Browning EU Blog LINK: Browning EU Suppressor Blog
I agree with everything you said. Unfortunately for me I live in CA and I will probably never get the chance to own one "legally" until I move out of this state
I come from CA too, but have moved my address to Montana a several years ago. Been moving my operation there over the past 14 years ago. We can push to have the law changed, no matter where we live. The more people get on the band wagon the better. it may take years to get it done, but it can be done.
The one thing I like in Montana my votes counts, and it's changing back to the right wing even more so.
So not all of the California are left wing, and if wasn't for or along the coastal edge of the state, it would be red state.
Write your Senator's and Congressmen. Just don't let it drop. If enough pushing around the country goes on, we will get it changed.
My good god man don't you know that if you have a suppressor it makes your weapon of war completely silent. Shoot you could kill half of America before someone would realize it . Lol
Ok so enough of that . I completely agree it make no sense what so ever . Part of it is the government wants that easy quick 200$ and the rest is probably to justify someone's job
All of us need to write our congressmen and Senator to get this off or backs. Just to the web site and put in your state and it will get you your Senators, and congressmen. Request that this law be changed. If enough get behind we can get it changed. H*ll they don't anything else to do.
I am going to put this to people talk to on the net in addition just us.
I have it in a PDF file and post it here.


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The $200 TAX stamp will never go away. Suppressors have nothing to do with crime shootings. The statistics show it. When these idiots that are placed in a position, they think that they know better than you. When someone is elected they feel that YOUR MONEY is not yours. Once a tax is established it will not be removed. Just think about all the taxes you pay. Dog license, drivers license, license to cut hair, plumbing license. Then start on permits, I know All to well on this. $$ For every permits.
Sorry I posted any of this because this is a shooting hunting forum.
I shot an AR15 in a match outside London, all were equipped with sound moderators, they referred to them as courtesy devices.

Side note: The no'-gas AR15 are not that cumbersome to shoot in rapid fire sitting, 10 rounds in 60 seconds with magasine change.
The hearing protection act a few years ago was gaining support in congress, but fell by the wayside. That was with a republican majority. With the democrat socialist majority in congress now there is absolutely zero chance suppressors will be taken off the NFA.
Although I just read an article today that in Texas they passed a bill allowing suppressors made and kept in Texas to be legal. The governor has yet to sign it but it will be interesting to see what happens. And as it comes on the heels of their new constitutional carry law it seems that Texas is more and more looking like a good place to be.
Although I just read an article today that in Texas they passed a bill allowing suppressors made and kept in Texas to be legal. The governor has yet to sign it but it will be interesting to see what happens.
What happens is you do not pass go and end up in jail. A **** good way to end up with a federal felony rap. There has been several convictions of people who believed that they could have a suppressor because of those meaningless laws.

Can you say Supremacy Clause?
