Ever offer handloads with a rifle sale?


Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2016
I've got a inexpensive rifle I'm going to post for sale on a local hunting forum and with it I'm going to include a box of factory ammo it shoots well but I also worked up a handload for it and I was think of including 20 rounds of it as well. Then I started thinking about liability and wondering should I just include the recipe in case somehow the buyer does something stupid and damages the rifle or worse themselves.

I was just curious if any folks here ever included handloads with a rifle sale or most share my concern and just provide the recipe?
I've got a inexpensive rifle I'm going to post for sale on a local hunting forum and with it I'm going to include a box of factory ammo it shoots well but I also worked up a handload for it and I was think of including 20 rounds of it as well. Then I started thinking about liability and wondering should I just include the recipe in case somehow the buyer does something stupid and damages the rifle or worse themselves.

I was just curious if any folks here ever included handloads with a rifle sale or most share my concern and just provide the recipe?
I think many do, but if you're not a "very good" hand loader and trust your ability 100% you might want to pass, liability a funny creature for sure.
I'm comfortable with my ability and it's a mild load but the rifle is chambered in 280AI and I can see can someone somehow jam one in a standard 280 and all kinds of bad things happening
I understand what you're saying, but... as they say, advice free, and taking it is an option. Merry Christmas, good luck.
And so he gives the handloads to someone else that shoves it into a .270. Me...I would pull the loads and give him the brass de-primed. I would hand him the BOOK load data. Your loading acumen versus someone else's for a given load can be a "recipe" for a disaster too. In today's society, you need to protect number one first.
Thanks for all the affirmation not to do the handloads. I didn't actually load any as the what ifs like several of you have mentioned creeped into my brain.

You'd think with 2020 being Mr. Murphy's year exponentialy the thought wouldn't have made it into my head in the first place
As others have alluded to, knowing what we know I'd guess none of us would ever take loaded ammo from someone else. But like I said that's because we know what we know. Take an average Joe off the street and they would practically all take an extra box of "free" ammo not because they trust you made it right, but rather because they don't know any better and just assume it's good ammo for the rifle they're buying. Once they have it you can't control how it is used and their mistake becomes your problem ... so no, I definitely wouldn't give some random Joe any of my ammo because I can't trust he knows how to use it.
I guess i'm ignorant about such things as this? So there's legal ramifications to the seller of the ammo if something happens to the buyer? I would've thought it would've been, "use at your own risk" kind of a deal? So what if I sell you a knife & you cut your finger off or your wife's finger off, am I held responsible for that? I'm being entirely serious. And like I said, I guess i'm ignorant about such things, because to be completely honest, i've bought reloaded ammo from the guy I bought the gun from & shot it in my rifle as practice rounds. I guess I just trusted the guy.
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