NRA In Serious Trouble?

Interesting that it sounds like their fund raising has fallen short by almost half this year. Kinda echoes what I read in here about folks being fed up with them selling out our 2A rights.
Given what has been going on for the last couple of years, I am skeptical of the validity of this information.......particularly ANYTHING that originates in New York, with their ultra left values, corrupt politicians, and biased press. Disgruntled employees in a "New York" NRA office!!! .....Give me a break! The left has the unlimited support of billionaires like Bloomberg, and will use ANY means possible to destroy NRA, along with anything else that represents conservative values. The left believes with certainty that if the NRA(still, one of the most powerful lobbies in the country) is taken down, they will have substantially weaken the 2nd Amendment! Haven't we learned anything. The whole country has been mislead in numerous areas and played like a bunch of dopes........Let make certain this isn' one of those cases! IMO.
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morning, the NRA speaks for all of its members. not
just u. we no not need such disloyalty from
a very small amount of members. our 2nd
amendment rightS r dictated my the CONSTITUTION.
JUSTME gbot tum


I will never join the NRA again until they prove to me they will never "compromise" again. The GOA is who I support. "No compromise" The NRA Supported and helped write the Unconstitutional NICS in the 90's. They originally supported the "Gun Free Zone Act". Here is what LaPierre said, on behalf of the NRA, when testifying on May 27, 1999, before the Subcommittee on Crime of the House Judiciary Committee: "We think it's reasonable to support the federal Gun-Free School Zones Act." They helped put these schools in this situation.. Now, they support these "ERPO's / Extreme Risk Protection Orders". At least their version of Red Flag laws that ignores the fact NO CRIME WAS EVER COMMITTED. This violates pretty much the entire Bill of Rights. Who in their right mind who supports and want to defend the 2nd Amend and the over all Constitution would pay for that? They are the ones being disloyal while asking for money to stop their disloyalty? This is just another reason why they're in trouble in so many ways.

With friends like this who needs enemies?

Most if not All Animosity towards the NRA and any "Legislation" regarding Gun Control can be tied to the Gun Control Act of 1968. Leading up to this Massive curling of our Rights Under the Constitution,,, the Population was led to believe Lee Harvey Oswald's involvement with the Kennedy Assassination stemmed from his Purchase of a Rifle through the Mail. Most feel the Gun Control Act must be overturned due to the Public being Misled into believing it would have stopped Oswald. We all know nothing can be further from the truth.
Given what has been going on for the last couple of years, I am skeptical of the validity of this information.......particularly ANYTHING that originates in New York, with their ultra left values, corrupt politicians, and biased press. Disgruntled employees in a "New York" NRA office!!! .....Give me a break! The left has the unlimited support of billionaires like Bloomberg, and will use ANY means possible to destroy NRA, along with anything else that represents conservative values. The left believes with certainty that if the NRA(still, one of the most powerful lobbies in the country) is taken down, they will have substantially weaken the 2nd Amendment! Haven't we learned anything. The whole country has been mislead in numerous areas and played like a bunch of dopes........Let make certain this isn' one of those cases! IMO.

Personally I have come to the conclusion that most of the vehemently anti-NRA "gun owners" are fraudulent plants by the far left, whose purpose is to misinform and create division to further their agenda. If you look into some of the radical left's organizations, they do employ a large number of "misinformation specialists" to flock to any website or discussion board in order to influence opinion for the unwary. A very common tactic that I have seen is the "I'm a gun owner and I support the 2nd Amendment BUT ..." (and then fill in the blank with whatever anti-gun issue is being discussed). These people are often otherwise-unemployed, radicalized college students and they have plenty of resources (cut and paste this argument or harp on this point is your opponent say "A" or use this tactic if they say "B"). So I give no credibility to any "gun owner" who trashes the NRA in our fight against the anti-Constitutional revolutionaries.
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No, let's set the record straight.

As far as the red flag laws and the NRA, I see "the NRA supports it" statements to that effect on various anti-gun websites like Everytown for gun safety, Bloomberg news, etc.

But what I see from the NRA is

"Nobody wants dangerous people to have access to firearms which is why the NRA supports risk protection orders that respects the due process of rights and ensures those found mentally ill receive the care they need. Most of the red flag laws passed last year, unfortunately, do none of that," according to National Rifle Association's Catherine Mortensen.

"Not only do they fail to provide any sort of mental health treatment but they allow the state to deny law-abiding gun owners their due process of rights. If the state can deny due process to these law-abiding residents then what's to stop them from denying any right to any group of people?"

and another example in texas:

Over the holiday weekend, a conservative "taxpayer watchdog" group sent out an email to its contact list which gave the impression that NRA-ILA does not oppose "red flag" legislation in Texas. One wonders what the organization hoped to accomplish by confusing and attempting to divide the gun community in this way.

NRA-ILA submitted written testimony to the House Committee on Criminal Jurisprudence at their June 25, 2018 interim hearing on red flag legislation, questioning the need for any additional statutes in Texas to address dangerous persons with mental illnesses having access to firearms, and outlining our opposition to red flag bills in other states that were considering such proposals at the time.

NRA-ILA provided verbal testimony in opposition to red flag legislation, raising the same points, during the July 24, 2018 hearing held before the Senate Select Committee on Violence in Schools & School Security.

NRA-ILA alerted its membership to the introduction of anti-gun legislation, including proposed red flag measures House Bill 131 by Rep. Joe Moody (D-El Paso) and Senate Bill 157 by Sen. Jose Rodriguez (D-El Paso), prior to the Texas Legislature convening or the bills even
receiving a committee referral.

NRA-ILA strongly opposes HB 131 and SB 157. These bills could allow a court to require an individual to surrender firearms to law enforcement, based on statements made by a petitioner in an ex parte proceeding -- before any formal hearing with the opportunity to be represented by counsel and present counter-evidence -- and even though they may not have committed or even threatened to commit any unlawful or violent act. Someone could be stripped of their Second Amendment rights without due process, without being taken into custody for any criminal offense or without being required to undergo evaluation for treatment by a mental health professional.
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IMO, concerning the NRA, we need to be cautious about throwing the "baby out with the bath water". While I don't necessarily agree with all the decisions that have been made by the NRA, they have accomplished a whole lot of good over many years. You have to ask yourself, "Who else can take their place? Some short term, gutless politician? Another smaller gunrights group? I would no more dissociate myself from NRA then I would have from the United States during the dark days of Carter, Clinton, or Obama. Leadership and policies can be chaged. Without the NRA we might eventually look like many of the other "gunless" society's across the globe. We abandon the NRA at our own peril. It continues to be one of the most powerful lobby organizations in the world. If anyone thinks that one of the smaller gun rights groups could build the necessary capacity and scale in time to fight the big money opponents of the 2nd Amendment......your are dreaming!!! The NRA is under a major attack! We need to fight, to fix, and support the NRA, not abandon it. I'm near 70 years old and have had a very intense and satisfying, hunting and shooting experience throughout my lifetime. I truly believe that I can thank the NRA for that. I'd like my kids and grandkids to have a similar experience. One mans opinion.
IMO, concerning the NRA, we need to be cautious about throwing the "baby out with the bath water". While I don't necessarily agree with all the decisions that have been made by the NRA, they have accomplished a whole lot of good over many years. You have to ask yourself, "Who else can take their place? Some short term, gutless politician? Another smaller gunrights group? I would no more dissociate myself from NRA then I would have from the United States during the dark days of Carter, Clinton, or Obama. Leadership and policies can be chaged. Without the NRA we might eventually look like many of the other "gunless" society's across the globe. We abandon the NRA at our own peril. It continues to be one of the most powerful lobby organizations in the world. If anyone thinks that one of the smaller gun rights groups could build the necessary capacity and scale in time to fight the big money opponents of the 2nd Amendment......your are dreaming!!! The NRA is under a major attack! We need to fight, to fix, and support the NRA, not abandon it. I'm near 70 years old and have had a very intense and satisfying, hunting and shooting experience throughout my lifetime. I truly believe that I can thank the NRA for that. I'd like my kids and grandkids to have a similar experience. One mans opinion.

What's interesting is that in the "dark days of Obama", I bought more firearms, more easily than ever in my lifetime. It was also a period of record energy production and a time when my savings recovered from the socialized losses of our beloved private sector. My point is, what reality are we living and it is really reality or fear? IMO, the NRA fails due to acting out of fear. Not for me, thanks.
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