The Q2 Lives!!


Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2019
I went to a crossbow 4 years ago and hung the bow up. My son (17) says to me: Dad, can we get the old Bow set up for me? Who was I to refuse? So, $140 bucks later, the old Q2 is all shaped up with carbons (I used to shoot aluminum Super Slams) a Whisker Biscuit (I thought that was something else) and a new stabilizer. My son is off to the races. I'm still going over fundamentals with him (Get that death grip off the riser, anchorage points, consistency, etc.) but he's shooting OK at 20 yards. He's got time to practice before the rut and I'm drilling him on the summit climber and all of the hazards of getting busted, scent, etc. I'm glad I hung on to the Q2! They dialed it back to 57 lbs., for him. I tried it myself and it was if I had never put it down.

Back in the day, I too had a Q2. They were quite speedy for that time.....a whopping 308-310 IBO.
Super smooth on the draw with little valley and wall. It was all of those "qualities" that got me to switch to a Bowtech 😀.
No seriously, the Q2 deserves it's rightful place in archery history. It was so innovative. 😄
Back in the day, I too had a Q2. They were quite speedy for that time.....a whopping 308-310 IBO.
Super smooth on the draw with little valley and wall. It was all of those "qualities" that got me to switch to a Bowtech 😀.
No seriously, the Q2 deserves it's rightful place in archery history. It was so innovative. 😄
Yeah, I agree. I had later gotten a Matthews Creed and it was much less forgiving. I ended up selling it.
Yeah, I agree. I had later gotten a Matthews Creed and it was much less forgiving. I ended up selling it.
I traded my Q2 for a Mathews FX which was considered a trade down. The Q2 was Mathews flagship bow in the day. I was working for a Mathews Pro Shop so trying out the latest bows was easy. In the end I did move on to Bowtech, (for various reasons).
And as good as all my Bowtech were, no bow ever fit me as well as that FX. The Mini Max cam had a much more distinct back wall and the IBO was the same as the Q2; 308-310. I shot plenty of whitetales with that bow. It was my "go to bow". Eventually sold it and moved into Bowtech mostly because as i was aging, i found it difficult to pull the poundage necessary to make that bow efficient. The Bowtechs were quite a bit faster. Their increased speed helped to offset the lower poundage.

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