Rear Grip 300 WSM Build Commences


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2021
It's been a long time coming but I finally have almost everything in for my build (still need a mag and brake)

The build

Coupe De Grace short action
Trigger Tech Special Single Stage
Pork sword chassis (have two different forends for it)
GM 1:8 blank length and profile to be determined leaning ~14"
ADG Brass
Harris Swivel bipod
Trijicon 1-8 accupower for now. May get an Arken EPL 4-14 or EP5 5-25 down the road...

Hoping I'll have it finished before Christmas just need to find time to profile the blank and chamber/thread it.

I put a 6" 300WM barrel on it for funsies as a gag toy to create fireballs with lol (It was an old take off Savage barrel)


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Yes I will run this braked or suppressed. Unsure on what at the moment.

I just ordered a 6 port super beast MBM brake for my 37XC build and depending how that works out I may run one of his on this build.

Lol at the screen name challenge! A 22cm barrel is next in the works for this build!

It's going to be a switch barrel rig with many different personalities.

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