Dumped in Denver

Fantastic idea and well executed, except working on it around here in Mom's kitchen would get YOU executed. The child would get off with a lecture. You must have a really cool wife.
Lol. Yes, he would have been strung up had he built it in the kitchen.

All of the cutting and major assembly was done in the driveway. It was sunny and completely dry on Wed and Thu when he was building it. It only moved into the kitchen once it was assembled and so that he could cut and staple the tarp under good lighting.
What a great idea. My wife adopts senior rescue dogs and older puppy mill rescue dogs. We have six of them and I spent a great deal of time keeping an area outside cleared for them. We're at 9200 feet and got the same snow you did. Please let your son know that I am borrowing his idea (I need to build a different shape) but the tunnel is awesome! Gotta love a kid who understands how to love his dogs. Good young man and must have great parents. Thanks for posting a guaranteed smile!
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