Reemty J's latest activity

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    Reemty J reacted to KDH308's post in the thread Dark Day with Like Like.
    Political candidates aside, isn't it more concerning how fast we have run to the open arms of Communism, this week at world class...
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    Reemty J reacted to Bret GRAVELINE Graveline's post in the thread Dark Day with Like Like.
    Problem was the swamp wasn’t swamp size, it was the friggin Pacific Ocean,
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    Reemty J reacted to MtPockets's post in the thread Dark Day with Like Like.
    I 100% agree, and it's going to be a free for all from here on out. I'm not a Trump fan, but anyone can see how these trials have been...
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    Reemty J reacted to sturner's post in the thread Dark Day with Like Like.
    We lost our country after we forgave the nazis after ww2 and let the war machine continue to create wars Took God out of our life and...
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    Reemty J reacted to marc357's post in the thread Dark Day with Love Love.
    Exactly. Anyone who doesn't have a copy on the shelf already should: 1. Download it. 2. Start reading it. 3. Order or print off a hard...
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    Reemty J reacted to NorCalAOSHunter's post in the thread Dark Day with Like Like.
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    Reemty J reacted to ButterBean's post in the thread Dark Day with Like Like.
    They have now weaponized the court system
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    Reemty J reacted to Muddyboots's post in the thread Dark Day with Like Like.
    This trial was pure and simple Election Interference and I hope these dirtbags get their "reward" after it is overturned. Specially the...
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    Reemty J reacted to victor3ranger's post in the thread Dark Day with Like Like.
    After 32 years of service I can absolutely confirm this
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    Reemty J reacted to Upsidedownjack's post in the thread Dark Day with Like Like.
    Having Served MY Country 1963/1967 SOUTH EAST AISA Vietnam Police Conflict. I lost almost All Faith in the “leaders” of America! The...
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    Reemty J reacted to MT260TX's post in the thread Dark Day with Like Like.
    If that’s what the crime was, the NY judicial system has no jurisdiction to charge Trump. That is a federal elections crime and guess...
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    Reemty J reacted to victor3ranger's post in the thread Dark Day with Like Like.
    You are absolutely correct. The puppet masters. The naysayers will say you are a crazy conspiracy nut but never take the time to follow...
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    Reemty J reacted to lancetkenyon's post in the thread Why is Rel 26 so great?? with Like Like.
    I have a few loads for my 7SS pushing 184s. H1000, RL23, RL26, and N565. RL26 gets the best speeds, but N565 is nipping at it's heels...
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    Reemty J reacted to 6.5x300 WBY's post in the thread Why is Rel 26 so great?? with Like Like.
    Yup I do exactly the same thing with my HUNTING GUNS. Most call me Nuts for "absolutely loving H US869 in my 6.5x300 weatherby. Temp...
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    Reemty J replied to the thread Dark Day.
    When the curtain is pulled back for all to see, you will realize this has nothing to do with parties, heck guys we have a uni party in...