Recent content by Pro2A

  1. P

    Brown bear Rifle

    Wash your keyboard off with Peroxide..... "Zero need for another gun." Such fowl language...... OFF WITH YOUR HEAD, COMMIE!!!!
  2. P

    Shooting after cataracts surgery

    Everyone is different. I had dual cataract surgery at 68 in Dec '16, Jan '17. No super special, expensive whoopy doo lenses. I had a history of minor astigmatism as I recall. Maybe best side of luck of the draw??? Results were fantastic.....20/20 to 20/15 both eyes; no glasses for distance...
  3. P

    Rifle sling for hunting

    One cannot go wrong with slings from Tom Fuller at Armageddon Gear; has your preferred elastic section, military tested, confirmed gear, have several on tactical Barrett REC7s and REC10s. See Youtube videos. I don't usually prefer elastic in a sling from experience, don;t like the bounce...
  4. P

    ATF eForm 4 Reduced Wait Times?

    Caution...when government is doing something positive for We The Little Peeps.....especially regarding 2A issues, they're usually sucking us into something down the road.....ala arm braces are a good to go until 40 million Little Peeps have them, then hocus pocus they're a felony. Like get all...
  5. P

    I Know This Is LRH... But What Is The Shortest Distance You Have Taken A Live Target?

    In Wyoming hunting bear with a spear....YOU are the bait...... spear the bear's after dinner toothpick. Bear is the apex hunter; spear chucker the apex looney. G&F tacitly encourage that cleansing of the gene pool...... Will watch the papers...obit column...for your progress, entry in the...
  6. P

    Bear protection handguns?

    Had an experience with a deer that didn't exhibit his ammo performance. Cliff's Notes, shot downed large buck at point blank range 9mm Federal Defensive ammo, one of my EDCs..... Kimber Micro 9.....three times. All three rounds were on the outside of the hide buried in the hair., advertisement...
  7. P

    Interesting article on bear spray vs. bear handgun defense

    In addition to Ammoland content, check content on bear attacks, gun, spray defense systems by Tom Smith (1000+ attacks cataloged/analyzed), Todd Orr (grizzly attacked twice), "At Home In Wild Spaces" series on YouTube (forget person's name). Guns and bear spray are complementary, not mutually...
  8. P

    Bear protection handguns?

    I prefer the Glock G40 10mm with DeltaPointPro or green laser, Buffalo hard cast rounds, in chest holster. Green laser is most visible to human eye, better than red in sun. Laser puts impact point on the target, where if attacked is where instinctively your eyes will focus rather than on...
  9. P

    Suppressor wrap

    Go Armageddon Gear. Tom Fuller's outfit makes great gear as noted in Barrett's selection of AG suppressor cover, soft rifle case, and other items included in the MRAD MK22 Deployment Kit. I and buddies have numerous AG products.....Trojan Rifle Cover, shooting bags, tripod scabbard (USMC...
  10. P

    How far out will you kill an elk by yourself?

    "Seemed like a good idea at the time" ranks 2nd only behind "Here, hold my beer and watch this." At my age...3/4 century last December...."Been there, done that" comin' on strong on the outside with full head of steam in third. With "zero adult supervision in my life" for 23 years, "FAFO" in a...
  11. P

    How far out will you kill an elk by yourself?

    But, you'll always have the experience, story....something to smile about in the old geezer home while all others play Bingo, no one else will understand.
  12. P

    Modified Magnetospeed

  13. P

    10mm handgun

    Obviously a Libturd sense of humotr ability to discern such.....RIP Lefty....
  14. P

    10mm handgun

    My son is a surgeon offering hand re-attachment to fit Glocks.......easy peasy operation....for him.....just has to schedule surgery around when I'm not using my Craftsman dial protractor on another project at the farm.....patient experience may vary, recovery and learning to use your fingers...
  15. P

    10mm handgun

    Yeah, but Miculek is a NFA full auto tax stamp-on-forehead weapon.....