Pro2A's latest activity

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    Pro2A replied to the thread Brown bear Rifle.
    Wash your keyboard off with Peroxide..... "Zero need for another gun." Such fowl language...... OFF WITH YOUR HEAD, COMMIE!!!!
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    Pro2A replied to the thread Shooting after cataracts surgery.
    Everyone is different. I had dual cataract surgery at 68 in Dec '16, Jan '17. No super special, expensive whoopy doo lenses. I had a...
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    Pro2A replied to the thread Rifle sling for hunting.
    One cannot go wrong with slings from Tom Fuller at Armageddon Gear; has your preferred elastic section, military tested, confirmed gear...
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    Pro2A replied to the thread ATF eForm 4 Reduced Wait Times?.
    Caution...when government is doing something positive for We The Little Peeps.....especially regarding 2A issues, they're usually...
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    In Wyoming hunting bear with a spear....YOU are the bait...... spear the bear's after dinner toothpick. Bear is the apex hunter; spear...
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    Pro2A replied to the thread Bear protection handguns?.
    Had an experience with a deer that didn't exhibit his ammo performance. Cliff's Notes, shot downed large buck at point blank range 9mm...
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    In addition to Ammoland content, check content on bear attacks, gun, spray defense systems by Tom Smith (1000+ attacks...
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    Pro2A replied to the thread Bear protection handguns?.
    I prefer the Glock G40 10mm with DeltaPointPro or green laser, Buffalo hard cast rounds, in chest holster. Green laser is most visible...
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    Pro2A replied to the thread Suppressor wrap.
    Go Armageddon Gear. Tom Fuller's outfit makes great gear as noted in Barrett's selection of AG suppressor cover, soft rifle case, and...
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    "Seemed like a good idea at the time" ranks 2nd only behind "Here, hold my beer and watch this." At my age...3/4 century last...
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    But, you'll always have the experience, story....something to smile about in the old geezer home while all others play Bingo, no one...
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    Pro2A replied to the thread Modified Magnetospeed.
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    Pro2A replied to the thread 10mm handgun.
    Obviously a Libturd sense of humotr ability to discern such.....RIP Lefty....
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    Pro2A replied to the thread 10mm handgun.
    My son is a surgeon offering hand re-attachment to fit Glocks.......easy peasy operation....for him.....just has to schedule surgery...
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    Pro2A replied to the thread 10mm handgun.
    Yeah, but Miculek is a NFA full auto tax stamp-on-forehead weapon.....