Recent content by Noobie

  1. Noobie

    Brown bear Rifle

    Well the OP was talking nosler partitions, heavy for caliber. I had a bad experience on an elk shot at close range with one, didn't hit any bones, but shed most of it's weight. Right through the chest cavity quartering towards me. Elk went quite a ways, luckily there was snow. I wouldn't even...
  2. Noobie

    Land ownership timeline? (BLM to private)

    I don't want green energy. I have a filter on my powerlines to remove it.
  3. Noobie

    Solar vs generators?

    One other issue to be concerned with is running AC motors on battery with an inverter. First, the inverter surge current must be rated for the load wattage for starting (about double the nominal rating). Second, the inverter must be a pure sine wave inverter. Most of the cheap ones are modified...
  4. Noobie

    Solar vs generators?

    The issue has to do with single phase current (residential). When the magnet on the stator is energized, it starts out, say, at North. If the rotor is at South, then it is happy where it is. Since the input is AC, the stator then switches to South in half a cycle. Now the stator repels the...
  5. Noobie

    Land ownership timeline? (BLM to private)

    Thanks for the detailed response. Here is a bit more info: The cattlemen are now complaining that hunters don't always close the gates behind them. Thus they are lobbying to close most of the dirt roads to hunters!!! Currently most of the gates are barbed wire with a latching type thingy that...
  6. Noobie

    Solar vs generators?

    Well you might run your tractor or barbeque from propane 'vapor' but it wouldn't last more than a couple minutes if the tank contained only vapor. A 30 gallon propane tank filled with liquid propane contains over 1000 cubic feet of propane vapor. The fill valve on a nurse tank may be on top, but...
  7. Noobie

    Land ownership timeline? (BLM to private)

    Actually this was during elk scouting/hunting in the black hills of South Dakota. We had to plow the truck thru herds of cattle just getting to some hunt areas. Then we had to deal with cattle clogging up the ridgetops and meadows whilst hiking. They were everywhere, and drving the elk off prime...
  8. Noobie

    Land ownership timeline? (BLM to private)

    Well there is a difference between land ownership and land use. For example, mining claims have typically been allowed on public lands. At a time when elements for semiconductors, rare earth magnets and similar that are critical for military and industrial supply chain security, these mining...
  9. Noobie

    Solar vs generators?

    50 gallons is 200 pounds of propane, roughly equivalent to ten standard 20 pound tanks. You can only get 80% fill, mandated by the intake tube I believe, so 50 is 40 and 20 is 16. The kids stayed in our non-winterized RV during the winter once and they were constantly headed for the exchange...
  10. Noobie

    Solar vs generators?

    The typical RV has two 30 pound propane tanks. These typically have to be filled at a propane supplier. If one or both are 20 pound tanks, you can change them out 24/7 almost anywhere for running your space heater and your propane fridge. As far as a generator goes, diesel is nice because you...
  11. Noobie

    Injured and out

    Prayers sent. Can't imagine the pain. So if you blacked out was there any head trauma, or was it just lack of oxygen due to the lung issues?
  12. Noobie

    Researchers Find Forever Chemicals in Wildlife near Holloman AFB, NM

    Awhile back it was almost impossible to study Parkinson's because of the long time it takes to develop. Then a patient came along with instant late stage Parkinson's after getting a bad batch of heroin. The culprit was a chemical called MPTP. Turns out pesticides paraquat and rotenone are...
  13. Noobie

    Interesting article on bear spray vs. bear handgun defense

    Clickbait. Per the article, 300 million visitors per year at 423 parks. 330 deaths per year equals one per million. Over half are accidental, leaving 150 per year of which 95% are suicide. "A total of 73 people were murdered in the past 5 years." So 73 out of 1.5 billion visitors in 5 years. And...
  14. Noobie

    What is it with dweebs on YouTube?

    Don't knock it. My new .30-30 prc will be featured in a youtube vid in the Extreme Long Range Hunting (ELR) forum shortly. One mile easy, but you should see it kick!
  15. Noobie

    New info on Chronic Wasting Disease

    Actually, prions were initially considered to be a conspiracy theory in the scientific community: The word itself derives from 'proteinaceous infectious particle'; it refers to the initially heretical hypothesis that the infectious agent causing those diseases consists only of protein, with no...