Recent content by MtPockets

  1. MtPockets

    Sad day in America

    Very reluctant Trump voter here. Not trying to doubt you, just trying to learn. What are our options? In your view what/who is the answer and why?
  2. MtPockets

    For Sale Danypattt is a scammer

    I've got no dog in this fight but just wondering if it was a misunderstanding? We all make mistakes. Just wondering what all transpired for you to conclude he's a scammer?
  3. MtPockets

    Sad day in America

    Let's look at the alternative, shall we? Brandons son held a job on the board of a powerful Ukrainian company- a job he had absolutely ZERO background in but his daddy happened to be VP at the time. Do you really think that was above the table? How about all the violent demonstrations that went...
  4. MtPockets

    Sad day in America

    As much as I TRIED, I just can't see voting for him. If Manchin and/or Haley were to be on the ballot as Independents I'd be all over it. I should add that normally I probably would vote for RFK just as a "No Confidence" vote against the other two clowns. I just can't do that this time. There...
  5. MtPockets

    Sad day in America

    Remember Hillarys "Open borders and Free Trade" comments? That seems to be the Democrats unspoken mantra.
  6. MtPockets

    For Sale Danypattt is a scammer

    Did you also report this to admin?
  7. MtPockets

    Dark Day

    I 100% agree, and it's going to be a free for all from here on out. I'm not a Trump fan, but anyone can see how these trials have been purely election interference. Nothing more, nothing less.
  8. MtPockets

    Dark Day

    As someone who voted for Trump twice, yet was very much hoping (and praying) that an alternative would come along, I have succumbed to the idea of voting for him a 3rd time. As others have said, yes there is a WHOLE LOT to dislike about Trump but in the end it's him or Brandon. This Country...
  9. MtPockets

    How to know it is Spring in Cody, Wyoming

    I'd like to see them start with Washington DC, Central Park in NY and yes, LA. Anymore, the list would include anywhere in Portland, Seattle and Denver, too.
  10. MtPockets

    For Sale Scammer Alert....not sure where to post

    "A message" or 20 messages??? Plus, he joined today? Wow.
  11. MtPockets

    Injured and out

    Some people live life unafraid of the "what ifs". If you choose to let the fear of "what if" control your life, good for you. Enjoy. I don't see any reason for one man to tell another how to live his life. Like many on here, I've been riding bikes (mostly street bikes) since my teens and have...
  12. MtPockets

    Visiting MT in June

    Nothing says "I love you" quite like "Honey, can you pack that quarter for me? Yes, I know the snow is up to your knees but it's not so bad?" 🤣🤣🤣
  13. MtPockets

    The power of prayer

    Late to Church (again). Didn't see this until now. Prayers sent, Old Rooster, for a fast recovery and good shooting.
  14. MtPockets

    Visiting MT in June Most trails will be well marked. A GPS with a map and compass backup would be good investments. Bear spray is a must have. Whether hiking or Jeeping, be cognizant of the weather. It can change very quickly in the mountains and snow is...
  15. MtPockets

    Visiting MT in June

    My recommendation is to rent a Jeep and stay off the freeway. There are lot's of Jeep trails and abandoned mines/ghost towns to explore.