Recent content by Chadp82

  1. Chadp82

    3 amigos

    There is a missing story here…. I know photos or it didn’t happen, however for sheep hunting we need more than a photo. The adventure is more exciting than the photo 😃
  2. Chadp82

    Dark Day

    A prison hosted Johnny Cash, I wonder how one of the will handle hosting an inauguration speech? That’s about the only way this situation gets more ridiculous than it already has become.
  3. Chadp82

    How to know it is Spring in Cody, Wyoming

    I have in-laws in the area we visit a few times a year and we have camped at an area called diamond "crick", but never heard of this diamond creek you speak of. 😂
  4. Chadp82

    Another Donation

    Even though Colorado has preference points, it’s still a lottery. I drew a bighorn sheep tag at about 15 or 16 years. Another guy in my unit was at 25ish, and one was at 4. I am still waiting on goat one of these years. I know a guy that is a friend of my dads, he’s 70ish, he has had 2 sheep...
  5. Chadp82

    I Know This Is LRH... But What Is The Shortest Distance You Have Taken A Live Target?

    The terminal performance of the 1/2 ton pickup is devastating on game at 55mph (about 80 fps for equal comparison to bullets). The front end does expand and break apart a little on impact, but DRT results on deer. Placement isn’t really important as the front end pretty hits the whole deer at...
  6. Chadp82

    I Know This Is LRH... But What Is The Shortest Distance You Have Taken A Live Target?

    I’ve taken two deer with a truck. I had to get pretty close. 😀 Aside from that 20- 30 yards. A couple deer with a bow and one at about 30 with a muzzleloader. I had a bull elk come into my calls at 5 yds, but he wasn’t legal. It was pretty intense though!
  7. Chadp82

    It's a whiskey tasting kinda of night ...

    It’s the 10 year. I have never seen the 17 on a shelf anywhere but have been keeping an eye open for it.
  8. Chadp82

    It's a whiskey tasting kinda of night ...

    I found Eagle Rare at the store today! It’s tough to find on the shelf near me, and I have seen it over $100/bottle so I got a couple at $60. I don’t buy it when I see the crazy markup. I thought about buying all 3 they had but left one for someone else. The two I got will last awhile.
  9. Chadp82

    Smoking Sunday or Sunday Smoking

    This could have gone in humor too, but felt it fit in better here….
  10. Chadp82

    It was just a matter of time CO The voters knew this would happen the governor says… the ranchers did and were outnumbered in the vote. The ranchers are getting the short end here, and people wonder why they sell to developers. The state...
  11. Chadp82

    Removing paint from cast iron

    Hot fire and burn it off in the coals?
  12. Chadp82

    Ball Joints Argh!

    No - It’s cosmetic. It will buff out 😃
  13. Chadp82

    Blonde joke

    A blonde calls her boyfriend and says, "Please come over here and help me. I have a killer jigsaw puzzle, and I can't figure out how to get it started." Her boyfriend asks, "What is it supposed to be when it's finished?" The blonde says, "According to the picture on the box, it's a tiger." Her...
  14. Chadp82

    Colorado draw results are posting

    I remember the feeling when I drew my Rocky Mountain Bighorn tag a few years ago. A friend texted and said no sheep tag and asked how I did. I had no email. I went to CPW’s site and my points went to zero but no indication at that time on the account page. I assumed I was waiting on my +1...
  15. Chadp82

    Colorado draw results are posting

    I am still in the blackout period on RM Sheep, no dice on desert sheep or goat. Good luck and we expect stories from those that drew 😀