Beautiful Idaho

I here you brother! Been here all of my 54 years and my Parents have all of there 81 years.
The cost of housing and property has gone so high from all the people moving here (don't blame them, I am still here for a reason) that now my Boys can not afford to buy anything land or even house or even rent!
I'm sorry you had to endure that!!! hahaha, I lived in Cali for over 50 years.... In the 70's it was awesome, now it can fall off into the ocean...
My brother lived in San Pablo 59-74. He would take us around the bay shooting rifles and pistols. Black duck shooting it was good times. Bet you can't do that anymore.
I'm in North Central, what used to be the Gateway to the Wilderness. It's all changed now, no wilderness, no wildlife of any kind, no fish anymore either. It's not what you think... Darn!:p


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This thread is super funny. I've lived all over: GA, NC, MT, WA, and now CA. Everywhere you go people say the exact same thing: "Ain't what it used to be before all these outsiders came in". And they're all right - none of em are the same as they used to be. None of the places the people came from are the same either, that's probably why they left. But I heard my Grandpa saying the exact same thing 40 years ago, and I'm sure his grandpa said the same. Now the current grandpas are saying it (I hear my dad telling mine and my brother's kids about it), and I know I'll say it when I'm one. And I'll probably even be one of those people who moved into whatever area I'll be in at the time, or maybe I'll be back 'home' by then. Who knows? That's what freedom is, right? Or maybe there should be some kind of federal government application process to regulate who is allowed to move where and what they can do with their private property once they get there?

At any rate, I'm pretty sure everyone knew there are lakes in Idaho before this post.
I lived in Idaho outside of Boise for quite a few years, I've pretty much been all over the State hunting & fishing, and driving, a beautiful State. but... got to tell you, Biose is turning into a woke, liberal dump yard, the politics there, are off the chart. Going back after 5 years it was a completely different Boise area, the rest of the State feels the same as the old days when I was there last. Just my 0.2 Cheers
I'm in North Central, what used to be the Gateway to the Wilderness. It's all changed now, no wilderness, no wildlife of any kind, no fish anymore either. It's not what you think... Darn!:p
Yup thats true, all the fires and that dang red retardant, kills all the trout and their roe... I even heard it was hard on the sturgeon in CJ... 😁
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This thread is super funny. I've lived all over: GA, NC, MT, WA, and now CA. Everywhere you go people say the exact same thing: "Ain't what it used to be before all these outsiders came in". And they're all right - none of em are the same as they used to be. None of the places the people came from are the same either, that's probably why they left. But I heard my Grandpa saying the exact same thing 40 years ago, and I'm sure his grandpa said the same. Now the current grandpas are saying it (I hear my dad telling mine and my brother's kids about it), and I know I'll say it when I'm one. And I'll probably even be one of those people who moved into whatever area I'll be in at the time, or maybe I'll be back 'home' by then. Who knows? That's what freedom is, right? Or maybe there should be some kind of federal government application process to regulate who is allowed to move where and what they can do with their private property once they get there?

At any rate, I'm pretty sure everyone knew there are lakes in Idaho before this post.
One of the main reasons I was proud to serve our awesome nation, the freedom Americans have is sadly, not understood by most!!!

Thank you for your service! You are absolutely right that most people don't understand where their freedom came from. I was 2 years after Nam so missed that but was waiting while in HA, registered and figuring I was gonna get called.

My Dad worked in the precious metals industry during WWII and didn't require him to serve.. but guess what, he volunteered and ended up serving. That's what people did back then!

Now you see all these loud mouths and even spoiled children talking about their rights and what they are entitled to. My opinion is starting the draft and teaching young school kids to learn some respect would be 2 positive steps in the right direction. It'd take a couple generations to get things level set again but it ll never happen as way too many royalty out there.

Just a grumpy old fart who will be gone and never see this happen but feel very badly for my kids/grandkids, etc. Their world won't be anywhere close to what the Greatest Generation gave us.

Thx again for your service.
@30378wbymag I really appreciate your service! Yeah I think understanding that our freedom doesn't mean 'freedom from anything changing around us' is important. Others have the right to do what they want, and that may not always be in keeping with what you or I want. And we get to be on the other side of that, too, and be free to make our own choices that they might not like. But somehow we've gotta figure out how to make it work. I feel like what used to be debate is now just blind disagreement, and people on both sides just throw out labels like 'woke' or 'racist' or whatever buzz word depending on which side they're on without even trying to listen and see that they've probably actually got a lot in common. Like for instance they might both love the outdoors? If I ever move to Idaho people will just call me a 'Californian' even though nobody here in CA will ever call me that! 😂

Thank you for your service! You are absolutely right that most people don't understand where their freedom came from. I was 2 years after Nam so missed that but was waiting while in HA, registered and figuring I was gonna get called.

My Dad worked in the precious metals industry during WWII and didn't require him to serve.. but guess what, he volunteered and ended up serving. That's what people did back then!

Now you see all these loud mouths and even spoiled children talking about their rights and what they are entitled to. My opinion is starting the draft and teaching young school kids to learn some respect would be 2 positive steps in the right direction. It'd take a couple generations to get things level set again but it ll never happen as way too many royalty out there.

Just a grumpy old fart who will be gone and never see this happen but feel very badly for my kids/grandkids, etc. Their world won't be anywhere close to what the Greatest Generation gave us.

Thx again for your service.
Thank you fmuguira...
Totally agree and they REALLY need to bring back vocational education. Hell, kids these days can't fix a flat (not change a tire), build a dog house or even know which screws are for sheet metal and which for wood...

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