Coyote in Quiznos.


Well-Known Member
Dec 25, 2006
So I was watching the news last night and I saw this story where a coyote walked into a sandwich shop in Chicago and sat down in the beverage cooler. Here's the story...

"CHICAGO — For one day, at least, the roadrunner was safe. It seems the coyote was hankering for another kind of fast food. Employees and customers at a downtown Chicago Quiznos sandwich shop were stunned to see a coyote walk through the propped-open front door Tuesday afternoon and lie down in a cooler stocked with fruit juice and soda.

"It wasn't aggressive at all," restaurant manager Bina Patel told the Chicago Tribune. "It was just looking around."

Employees and customers calmly cleared out of the restaurant, though some took the time to finish their sandwiches and snap some cell-phone photos, the Chicago Sun-Times reported. Animal control officers took the passive coyote away after about 40 minutes, after a curious crowd had gathered outside.

"This one definitely I will definitely remember forever. A coyote in downtown Chicago," Quiznos employee Rick Torres told WLS-TV.

The city captures 10 to 15 coyotes every year, especially in the spring when they are most active, said Anne Kent, director of Chicago Animal Care and Control. Veterinarians will examine the coyote and, if he is not injured, release him into the wild."

Copyright 2007 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
I saw that story. That dog did not seem too impressed with the situation it had gotten itself it. It looked a wee bit on the scared side of things /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif
I read an article on Coyotes in the greater Chicago area a couple of months ago. A Northwestern Univ. grad student did a 2 year study on them. They found out there were something like 3-5000 coyotes in the Chicago area. They estimated the average life span was about 5 years... a 5 year old coyote is one smart puppy!! Their infant mortality rate was about 1/4 that of a rural coyote, and they were almost 100% nocturnal.
A couple of years ago they had a coyote run into the Federal Building here in Seattle... and that's right downtown. It eventually got trapped in an elevator but it caused quite a rucus for while. They also had a coyote attack a 5 year old boy in Bellevue last year in about September. It's truly amazing how many coyotes there really are running around town. Every time I see a "Missing Cat" sign I just laugh... I guess the coyotes know cats taste like chicken too! ~JT
screech, you got it backwards. City coyotes good! Poodle nabbing and cat killing city coyotes show the yupees of the world that hunting for animal control is a good thing. Keeps them in touch with the survival of the fitest. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif
Sometimes yotes act very strange. Lase summer my neighbor's wife called and asked me to come over and see a yote in the back yard.

I got there and there was a yote, about the same age as the Quizno's one. He was very intently picking russian olives out of the grass. We stood there talking about 25 feet away from it. I climbed onto the trampoline while the yote was under it. He didn't care a bit just like the yote in the cooler.

I talked to a bunch of people who should know and no one had a reasonable explanation. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/confused.gif

I throw out the calls and get a six pack of pop and fruit juice and quietly crawl into the woods and open them up, one at a time, directing the sound up wind, right??

What kind of pop and fruit juice do I use?? Do you think some Quiznos sandwiches opened up to let out the scent might help?

As the coyote comes in do I make the sound of munching on a sandwich or guzzling a soda??

If the coyote winds you and runs off, do I shout "TOASTED" or what????

Do you think a cooler with the top open, sitting there in the woods would be too much.....??

Maybe I could hide behind it......

Need some help here.

Waltech Jim,

That reminds me of a racoon encounter I had. I was sitting on my tailgate in my friends driveway in downtown Salt Lake City with my feet up on my cooler which happened to be open and I was sipping a beer while my head and upper body was in the shadows under the shell of my truck. It was around midnight and we were headed out on a climbing trip the next day. I looked across 7th east and saw what looked like a cat. It was looking right at me. It ran across the street and started running right towards me. I realized by this time that it was a racoon and continued to watch it run right up to the cooler. It got up on its hind legs and started peaking in. The whole time I have not moved an inch. I jumped up and let out a big roar, and that thing jumped about 3 feet in the air and was over a 4' or 5' fence as soon as it landed.
Cruizin, I think you might have something figured out.


I tried refers today and they didn't work. Maybe I should rephrase that, I tried refrigerators today, and they didn't work.

A 14 year old I know has been chasing coyotes for the last two years and we tried to find some this morning in 15 below wind chill. The wind was so bad there was very little chance of calling anything in but that didn't matter to him and I respect that ambition. We made three sets before we were so cold we couldn't make any more but the effort was certainly worth it.

We sneaked up on a big tom in full strut and watched him for 10 minutes doing his thing. We "eased" up to 2 other flocks of turkeys that were feeding on the edge of corn fields. We had the local crows going ballistic, and we saw sand hills, eagles and deer.

Anyhow, the last set we made was near an old dump site and the best place for me to call from was an old refrigerator that was laying there. Lucky for me they had removed the door so I didn't get trapped inside. I was thinking as I was calling this was the perfect set up for a chicago coyote but it was not to be.

Yup, the cooler is the way to go, the refer is too much...


BTW, I gotta tell you this young gentleman is one of the best guys I have ever hunted with. He is safe with a gun, respectful of his equipment, enjoys the hunt, and said something that impressed me. "A bad day hunting is still better than sitting at home playing video games."

I will hunt with him again.

Way to go Jim !!!! Get back out there with that young man . You are doing him a world of good ( not doing too bad for yourself either /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif)

May you're efforts be blessed .

Jim B.
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