Recent content by 69precision

  1. 6

    Brown bear Rifle

    There's a reason a lot of guides require a minimum caliber for brown bear. I'd believe the guide I hunted with twice that requires 30 cal minimum, and usually insists on 338. He's killed around 11 brownies himself and has guided hunters to over 100. So I'll take his word on what should be...
  2. 6

    Brown bear Rifle

    Hunting deer and elk with archery gear, for me, is largely about longer(and usually earlier) seasons with less of a crowd. If rifle season were extended to be be the same as archery season, I'd not hunt archery. I wouldn’t hunt brown bear with a bow because there is no upside if there’s not a...
  3. 6

    Looking for Respectable Mule Deer Hunt

    That is objectively not reality. Public or private land, every state has seasons and bag limits. Game preserves where you pick your deer are something else entirely.
  4. 6

    Looking for Respectable Mule Deer Hunt

    No problem, there’s something for everyone. Texas is a good choice for some folks, less so for others.
  5. 6

    Looking for Respectable Mule Deer Hunt

    Most likely because it’s all private land hunts? If you google public land mule deer hunting in Texas, it doesn’t seem like a great option. Private land, it does seem like a solid option though for sure.
  6. 6

    How to know it is Spring in Cody, Wyoming

    Well the reflective introspection is what got me to this way of thinking of how conservative values have somehow become represented by trump, Boebert, and mtg. A far cry from someone like John McCain. Fair point though, your thread, apologies for the hijack.
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    How to know it is Spring in Cody, Wyoming

    How is hunting and shooting related to a 2000 year old fictional book and some blowhard wannabe billionaire from NYC? I’m certainly no fan of liberals or Biden but don’t see how liking long range shooting would equate in any way to aligning with trump or religion.
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    How to know it is Spring in Cody, Wyoming

    I’m not the one that stated they only wanted people in their area with “conservative values “
  9. 6

    How to know it is Spring in Cody, Wyoming

    Nah, I don’t really need to be a trump lover or religious nut to live anywhere I want. Says a lot about people that think to live in a certain state these are required though.
  10. 6

    How to know it is Spring in Cody, Wyoming

    I’m not actually happy with my current location. But it sounds like I wouldn’t be welcome there because I don’t have “conservative values”, whatever that means these days. In most cases it means religion and loving trump, neither of which I find appealing.
  11. 6

    How to know it is Spring in Cody, Wyoming

    If you think either political party is doing anything to help the American people I have a some really bad news for ya…
  12. 6

    How to know it is Spring in Cody, Wyoming

    Freedom, am I right? We can be free to do whatever we want, as I long as you approve? I’m not even sure what constitutes “conservative values” anymore.
  13. 6

    What gun would you want if the SHTF?

    could be, I assume the cases were not at all the same. plus I’m not a lawyer so it’s hard to say since I don’t have definitive knowledge of how they are alike and different as it pertains to the law.
  14. 6

    What gun would you want if the SHTF?

    I honestly don’t know the specifics of the maddow case at all. I only know the sandy hook stuff by jones because it was literally the most bonkers thing I’d ever heard to say it didn’t happen.
  15. 6

    What gun would you want if the SHTF?

    No doubt her show is not a factual news show either by any stretch.