Yellowstone Darwinism

This is terrible. It is quite hard on the animals because they take the real punishment. I'm embarrassed to be human when I see or hear about this.

Yes, it needs punished. Yes they need to spend the night in jail, awaiting arraignment, and have their car impounded. Family and friends can sit outside the jail overnight or pay $750/night at one of the hotels….with No vacancy.

Probably need outed with their name, face and charge posted on social media….although, likely they are proud of it.
I am now thinking there needs to be a "bounty" on these Tourons. Kind of like hunter harassment fine issued by YP where your video/pic captures their stupidity in action. You get s portion of the fine as "finders fee" of their stupidity! Needs to be pretty steep including forfeiture of their phone if selfie involved. Can you imagine the anguish on losing their phone used in commission of animal harassment like in poaching case? Animals are valued in high dollar amounts in poaching so why not charge same if an animal has to be put down or injured? $10K for Bison? $15K for elk? $25K for grizz? And so on? The values can be whatever but need to be STEEP in value to have any affect.
Go Billy Go!
So have you been following the moronic antics in the Park this year? Women trying to take selfies with bull bison? One almost in tragedy. Touron (tourist moron) "saved" bison calf crossing river thus separating from mom. Calf had to be euthanized. Touron fined. Just recently, a couple tourons picked up an elk calf and drove it to West Yellowstone in their car to deliver it to Park office to save it. Now there is a guy jumping out of his car and chasing bears. OMG freaking Darwinism!! Please chase a griz sow with cub! Puleaseeeee!!! Somebody innocent minding their own business is going to be harmed or worse from inane actions by dumber than dirt tourons!

You cannot make this stupidity up but yet more ridiculous actions is reported every day. Has our society dumbed down this much?

I say fine the crap out them, take their car, heck take their phones😱!! I really don't know what the solution can be that is effective.

What say you?
I hear ya, people can be extremely stupid.

Several years ago at Ft. Sill some ding dong thought it would be a good idea to park his car and walk 100 yards off the road over to a bull buffalo laying in the grass so he could pet it 😳
After that bull hooked him throwing him about 15 yards away he was able to run to a cedar tree to hide behind, 😂 bull charged and took them both out 😂
We had to come back a week later to get some gear, sign's everywhere saying stay in the car and don't mess with the dangerous buffalo.
We turned a corner and saw two cars full of people right next to a sign, they were walking over to cows and calves with the herd bull standing guard 🤦‍♂️
OK, this was on Wyoming Cowboy State Daily web feed that has some great stuff on it. This one HAS to be handed out to ALL YP visitors as a PSA!

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